Working with the Stars

Be You: Rich Daily Inspiration

27-01-2022 • 40 mins

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.-Socrates

This Episode is brought to you by MTN Press with thanks to the Rich Woman Magazine Club.

This exclusive interview with Author and Timing Expert Ysanne Lewis, brings first hand insights into humans's relationship with the stars and how to apply astrology to create business success.

Ysanne combines expertise in the techniques of planetary cycles with strong inner guidance, using a creative as well as a practical approach to problem-solving and the improvement of timing in our personal and professional lives. Her interest and passion lie in assisting people, via private consultations and workshops, to make a leap forward as a direct result of their time with her and their birth chart and design a new Success Chart. As a child Ysanne loved maps and patterns and now she is seen as a navigator and bridge between the maps in the cosmos and our own inner timekeepers. Every birth or business or event has a starting point and ongoing cycles and she helps you track progress and be in alignment.

Understanding the patterns which cause us to react in habitual ways, rather than to CREATE them in our lives, is vital to be healthy at all levels. We are living in powerful transformative times when the choice of being a creator or re-actor has never been stronger!

Ysanne says: "We can assist in this process by being more in touch with our own unique cycles of growth and change and not staying pot bound.  Okay, we don’t always like cracks in the old reality, but that is where the light gets in!"

About the Host Dr Marina Nani

Free from press prejudice, Marina specializes in multi media brand journalism, creating inclusive newsrooms, supporting professional women with brand positioning and compelling narratives. Working with Luxury Influencers, VIP’s, Elite Women’s Clubs, high net worth individuals, luxury brands, corporations, sustainable fashion designers and creatives with the ultimate aim to diagnose and close the gender Gap. Editor in Chief of Rich Woman- The Woman Re-Imagined Group of Publications, the founder of Sovereign Magazine- Business, Tech, Finance,

Marina created the First Private Network of Conscious Influencers- a safe medium for women and men to discover and share their passion, their wisdom, their unique talent and celebrate the divine feminine together, while becoming brand evangelists. If you dare to Re-Imagine your destiny, become visible, attract ideal clients instead of chasing them, you are in the right place!

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