14. James Rickett: Global Lead - Anti Money Laundering and Sanctions Compliance, the ICA

Inside Risk and Compliance

17-07-2024 • 47 mins

We were so excited to speak to James Rickett, Global Lead - Anti Money Laundering and Sanctions Compliance at The International Compliance Association.

He did an absolutely incredible job of bringing this subject matter to life and putting it in real world terms, so we can really see the positive impacts this work has. A must listen!

We also talked about:

- What are sanctions and do they work?
- The role of the regulator and whether fines are just part of the cost of doing business
- How accountable should senior management be?
- The importance of culture and how to change it
- What an ICA course can do for your career


Thank you so much for listening to this episode. This show is for YOU so we are really interested to hear what you want, who you want us to speak to, and what you want us to talk about. Please do feel free to get in touch and let us know.

Oh, and whilst we don't really talk about it, we are a recruitment agency so if you need help with recruitment or you are looking for new options on your career path, please get in touch at info@ajfoxcompliance.com or +44 207 117 2542. You can find out more about what we do on our ⁠website ⁠or by following us on ⁠LinkedIn⁠.

This podcast was hosted by Adam Spencer, produced by Adam Spencer and Kat Dadswell for AJ Fox Compliance, recorded and edited by Kerem Gokce and Taylan Yalkin at Wilmington PLC, and sponsored by The International Compliance Association.

The ICA is the leading professional body for the global regulatory and financial crime community. Since 2001, ICA has enhanced the knowledge, skills and behaviour of over 170,000 professionals through their internationally recognised portfolio of professional qualifications, in-company training, continuous professional learning and world-class events. Get 10% off any ICA course with our discount code, AJFOX10. Visit their ⁠website ⁠to choose your course.

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