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Well I Fucked That Up

28-03-2024 • 36 mins

Charlotte Rooney is a women’s leadership coach, mentor & trainer who will help you to finally cut through the bullshit stories about what you “should be” to be a great leader.

She always knew she needed to run her own business because she hates being told what to do by people she doesn’t think are smarter than her (even if she realised later they might have known a bit more than a 22 year old …)

She never settled for a career that was anything less than exciting (she spent her 20s and early 30s in 12 countries across 5 continents leading volunteer teachers in the Himalayas, wrangling teenage entrepreneurs through setting up sustainable businesses in Bolivia and coordinating multimillion dollar emergency health responses in remote war zones in East Africa, before dabbling in public sector work and then, desperate to find a job that felt challenging and high status, tried her hand at McKinsey & management consulting - and a fast scaling youth employment start up where she was the victim of her own success and hired enough incredible team members to make herself obsolete).

Through all of that, one thing became increasingly clear - freakin’ incredibly talented women are everywhere, selling themselves short, burning themselves out and giving up on their dreams because they still believe that other people hold the key to their feeling worthwhile. She burnt herself out on that lie - so you don’t have to. Success should not come at the cost of a life you love.

Don't forget to find me on Instagram here, and you can get my new freebie The Ultimate Follow Up Guide here.