GS 215 - The Soundboard Strategy Of Winning Sales

Global Studio Marketing Podcast

28-12-2023 • 7 mins

What makes marketing and sales so difficult in these times is there are so many moving parts.

As in...there are literally thousands if not millions of moving parts in any effort you'll be making to communicate your value for the purpose of winning sales.

Not only do you have multifaceted messaging for your products, services and business mission overall, but there are a vast array of ways to communicate these ideas from which you much choose wisely.

This isn't even factoring in competitive influences, constant market shifts, and the fact that every new idea and process has a shelf life.

So how do you best influence your target customers to be impressed by your offering?

Fortunately, you can cut through most of the complexity by understanding one clear marketing concept. It's called the Soundboard Strategy.

Join Michael as he reveals this critically important facet of winning at sales.