#373 MM Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order

#SITN Strength in the Numbers Show

30-05-2022 • 11 mins

There’s a lot going on at the moment, between wars, pandemics, technological changes, climate factors, but what if we’ve already been here before, what if we could look to the past to guide us so we know how best to respond? In this bite-sized episode we share with you a brief review of the book, principles for dealing with the changing world order by Ray Dalio and what it means for our finance teams and careers. #FinanceMentor #SITN Link to charts and data: https://www.economicprinciples.org/DalioChangingWorldOrderCharts.pdf Links upcoming events: Why the Best Finance and Procurement Leaders Work Together: https://www.p2pnetwork.org/events/p2p-transformation-summit.html Is finance business partnering still the route to success in a digital world?: https://summit.generationcfo.com/talks/is-business-partnering-the-next-step-for-finance/ Crafting Value: How Data/Digital is Reshaping FP&A: https://dynamic.afponline.org/fpaseries/p/1