Reusable Sewage Startup Steps In Where Govt's Fail

The Dejargonizer

13-09-2023 • 19 mins

We need to talk about what happens after we flush our toilets.

For many of us listening to this podcast, our wastewater just magically disappears.
But for around 80% of the world's population that isn't the case.
Around the world, sanitation and sewage treatment is patchy, if it exists at all.
This causes disease as wastewater is dumped into rivers and waterways.

Clive Lipchin, founder of Laguna Innovation, explains how his decentralized, solar-powered wastewater treatment system could save lives by turning sewage into clean, reusable water for crops. By treating wastewater on-site and giving it back to farmers, Laguna aims to build climate resilience and food security for vulnerable communities lacking sanitation infrastructure.

He explains how climate change exacerbates sanitation challenges, and how decentralized, circular water systems are key to adaptation and resilience for vulnerable farmers.

Listen to learn how Laguna's wastewater tech could transform sanitation from a hidden crisis into an engine of sustainability.

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