A World With Less Sugar Would Taste Just As Sweet!

The Dejargonizer

04-07-2023 • 27 mins

A conversation with Ari Melamud, the CEO of Incredo Sugar, a company that's figured out a way to deliver the same sweet taste to sugary food like chocolate, with half the sugar.

That's important because obesity is killing millions of people every year. 6.5 million people are dying every year globally with heart problems, blood pressure problems, all kinds of diseases mainly derived out of excessive use of sugar. The sugar industry is a $90 billion industry, one of the biggest industries in the world. Sugar is in almost everything we eat. Incredo is working with big food manufacturers in the US to help them reduce the amount of sugar they put into their products.

It's a slow and tricky process, but Ari says food companies are responding to consumer demand for healthy ingredients in healthy food. On this episode, Ari is our guide as we dive into big sugar, a global multi-billion dollar industry that very few of us know anything about, even though sugar is an almost everything we buy and the food that we put into our bodies.

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