EP005 | Listen to your body’s responses, there is wisdom deep within, with Alison O’Leary

Dream Chasers

08-02-2024 • 17 mins

In this episode:

Have you come to believe in work and life you have to just battle through and compromise, which means you end up chasing goals and expectations that society, culture and others dictate for you, when it’s not what you truly need or want?

That was me.

In this podcast episode, I share my own story of how my body clearly signalled I was not living true to myself. Even to the point where my digestive system shut down completely.

I also share how I’ve learnt to listen to my body and what it says, and how this helps me make daily decisions about what food I eat, the work I do, the movement I fit into my day, and the people I spend my time with.

My body physically breaking down was the trigger that set me on the path to my own career and life change, and its messages are the reason my coaching business is called Live True!

The episode is only 17mins, so come join me :)

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Alison is a highly experienced, certified life and career coach and is an active ideal life advocate.

She’s the founder and designer of the Work Wonderland™ process, her proprietary model that helps people make career and life choices that truly align with their values, strengths, passions, skills and life goals.

Alison hails from a high-paced, London-based corporate background, working for more than 20 years in the field of PR and Communications, until she made her own radical transition to her ideal life, living and working from a remote mountainside in Wales.

Today she focusses her life coaching on supporting professionally successful people in making career changes that facilitate transformational life change.

When Alison is not working, you can find her outdoors - walking beaches at the crack of dawn; experimenting with the universe and consciousness; trying her hand at paragliding; and delighting in the magic of the superhero’s quest. She is also Marvel movie obsessed.


All episodes are video recorded and can be watched in the website show notes, or on YouTube.

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