Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Soul Inspired You

19-04-2024 • 35 mins

Show Summary:

  • Welcome to Episode 15 of the Soul Inspired You Podcast. Each week we dive into the journey of harnessing the power of our spirit to lead enriched and purposeful lives.
  • In this episode we're going to embrace the blossoming energy of spring by delving into the art and impact of decluttering.
  • We'll explore how clearing out the old can bring about new energy, from personal experiences with Reiki and tarot decks to the practical aspects of simply having a clean desk!
  • Beth shares how certain cherished objects, like trusty fountain pens, have held a special energy that has evolved through life's chapters.
  • Learn how fascinating it is that everything in our physical space and objects we surround ourselves with can either enhance or hinder our energy and it's about finding that balance that supports our individual needs.
  • We'll talk about our environments and energy management and what really sets the stage for chaos or clarity.
  • Plus we'll dive into the techniques that you can use to keep your spaces charged with positive vibes, including the importance of being responsible for the energies we allow into our homes.
  • So whether you're someone who thrives amid organized serenity or creative clutter, join us as we reflect on the importance of not just physical, but energetic tidiness.
  • Get ready to be inspired to cleanse your space and perhaps discover the profound effects of setting intentions for everything that crosses your threshold.
  • Let's awaken our consciousness to the vibrations all around us, from the water we drink to the furniture we rest upon.

We hope you enjoy the show.

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232