Decoding Past Lives for a Contented Life

Soul Inspired You

05-04-2024 • 40 mins

Show Summary:

  • Get cozy and prepare to dive deep into today’s episode, number 13—a number close to our hearts and rich with symbolism.
  • Today, we're exploring the profound messages tucked into Oracle card readings and unveiling the wisdom behind the "Past Lives" card, a mystical call to heal our karmic journeys and elevate our vibrations. Let's unravel how this ancient wisdom influences our present challenges and joys as we journey through the tapestry of life's moments.
  • Join us as we ponder the power of defining moments and the acceleration of time with age, urging us to consciously craft the life stories we yearn to embody.
  • We delve into the art of living true to ourselves, forgiving our past, and, crucially, shaping how we impact others with congruent values and energies.
  • From motherhood to mundane moments, we reflect on the simplicity of contentment and the need to reframe our views on judgment and negativity. As we sift through life's myriad scents and sensory gifts, we find gratitude in the simplest pleasures, revealing how they stitch together the quilt of our experiences.
  • Plus, we'll share with you our fascination with the mystique of Friday the 13th and its connection to the divine feminine—and of course, draw insights from today's joy-affirming Oracle card.
  • As we count our blessings and welcome the sentiments shared through sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound, we invite you to contemplate—what makes you truly grateful?

Thank you for tuning in and being a part of our global Soul Inspired community. Stay with us; we value each moment you share on this soulful journey.

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of