Embracing Your Spiritual Self

Soul Inspired You

12-04-2024 • 37 mins

Show Summary:

  • Welcome to Episode 14 Today, we're diving deep into the journey of authentic self-expression and the beauty of embracing our full selves, quirks and all. Join us as Beth and Melissa open up about their path to integrating their spiritual side with their corporate image amidst fear of judgment, and hear how this courage to be genuine attracts the right tribe to our lives.
  • We'll explore the struggles and triumphs that come with showing up fully, embracing our unique beliefs, values, and the miracle of simply being present.
  • Learn why our affirmation cards are more than just words—they're messages of self-worth that remind us of our inherent value.
  • Ever felt the pressure to conform and question your own worth? We'll talk about the importance of recognizing that worth, the role of the ego in protecting us, and why making friends with this part of ourselves is crucial.
  • Listen to our reflections on nurturing our dormant selves, the culturally created facade we present to the world, and how healing that aspect of us can allow our true essence to shine.
  • This episode is an affirmation in itself that everyone is worthy and good enough, and it's essential for the world to see the real you.
  • So grab your favorite stationery—it's okay, we have our preferences too—and join us for a heart-to-heart on living unapologetically and the positive ripple effects it can have. This is "Soul Inspired You,” where your true self isn't just welcome; it's celebrated. Let’s begin

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of LauraMitchellSings.com https://www.facebook.com/laura.mitchell.1232