Thanks for Flying with Transcendental Airlines

Soul Inspired You

17-05-2024 • 29 mins

Show Summary:

In Episode 19 of Soul Inspired You: We take flight with Transcendental Airlines! 🌼

Hello Soul Family. We hope you’re having a radiant week! We’re thrilled to bring you yet another transformative episode of Soul Inspired You. This week’s episode is one that truly takes us to new heights (pun intended!).

In this episode, join our hosts, Beth Hewitt and Melissa Amos, as we explore the fascinating interplay between travel, grounding, and spirituality. Here are some highlights from the episode:

  • Earth Day Reflections: Melissa shares her contemplations on Earth Day as she prepares for a journey, tapping into the duality of feeling both grounded and up in the air.
  • Grounding Techniques for Air Travellers: Discover unique tips on how to stay grounded while flying, including imaginative visualisations and the use of grounding crystals.
  • Intention Setting: Beth delves into the power of setting intentions for a stress-free journey, encouraging listeners to use travel time for meditation and self-reflection.
  • Creative Energy on the Move: Learn how changing environments and the act of movement can inspire creativity, with Melissa sharing her personal experiences of feeling creative on the train.
  • Spiritual Tools for Travelers: From Archangel Metatron to Reiki symbols, Melissa reveals the spiritual practices she uses to ensure a smooth and uplifting journey.
  • Transcendence Airways: Move over Sir Alan Sugar, Beth's had an idea! Imagine an airline designed to keep you calm and centered, complete with meditation music and a children’s cabin. Beth’s inspired idea might just be the future of air travel!
  • Oracle Card Readings: Both Beth and Melissa pull cards to offer divine insights for our listeners, with messages of regeneration and dancing to the rhythm of life.
  • Embracing Your Unique Self: This episode encourages us all to express our true selves boldly, just like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon.

We love hearing from our listeners! How do you stay grounded while traveling? Would you ever fly with Transcendence Airways? Share your insights and stories with us.

With love and Light,

Beth & Melissa

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Music Credits: Laura Mitchell of