powered by people. ep 13 - how to nail your personal branding

powered by people

15-11-2023 • 49 mins

We’re back in Berlin and today Rex and Harry are joined by “The Queen of Personal Branding” Manjuri Sinha from OLX. Manjuri discusses the importance of personal branding and shares her insights and experiences. She emphasises the significance of authenticity and expertise in building a personal brand. Manjari also talks about the benefits of personal branding, including the impact it can have on others, voicing important topics, and creating engaging conversations within the professional community.

The group also explores how Manjari balances her role as a leader at OLX with her personal branding efforts, highlighting the importance of consistency and strategic planning. She shares her journey from actively pursuing speaking opportunities to being recognised and invited to conferences and events, showcasing the value of visibility and networking in personal branding.