What is the reason you were born? Why are you alive? What is your purpose in life? Many of us find it difficult to answer these fundamental questions.
Your purpose is the very reason you’re here. Without discovering it, you risk becoming like the “living dead”—existing without truly being alive, moving through life without direction or meaning. Just because you are physically alive doesn’t mean you’re truly living. If you don’t know the reason for your existence, you may as well not be living at all.
If you don’t know why you’re alive, you risk wasting life, breath and space. When the purpose of something is unknown, it’s often abused or misused. Likewise, if you don’t know the reason for your existence, you may be abusing your breath and not fully appreciating the gift of life.
God created each person with a unique purpose—to solve a problem, make an impact, and add value. If you’re not working toward that, then you’re not fulfilling the potential for which you were born, wasting the precious time you’ve been given.
Discovering your purpose enables you to be truly alive and lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.
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