The survival mindset with Natalie Queiroz, who beat attempted murder and won life

Ace Biz Hacks

10-04-2020 • 49 mins

Survival through the COVID19 pandemic is a stretch for us all and for many it’s a tragedy; a first in most of our lifetimes. In 2016, a heavily pregnant Natalie Queiroz went through a 9 minute murderous attack that changed her life forever. It was a complete surprise to the medics that she survived, but not to Natalie, who ‘decided’ she was going to live. Natalie and her baby survived, and things were never the same again. She grabbed a hold of life, continuing to raise her family in a positive manner, raised thousands of pounds for the charity who were a key part of her survival that fateful day, founded an organisation addressing the growing threat of knife crime, authored a top selling book and delivered a TEDx talk. In this podcast we talk about her ‘decision’ and the importance of four key elements of the survival mindset that are applicable to entrepreneurs facing systematic threat to their businesses. Be inspired to thrive through this challenging time – it’s your choice! Further information about Natalie Queiroz can be found here: Her motivational speaking/coaching company Natalie Q Inspire Ltd: TEDx Her book – ‘Still Standing’