Gadgets & Gizmos: Brain chips, AI film and song-generation, a stair-climbing vacuum & railways on the moon

Hrkn to .. Gadgets & Gizmos

28-03-2024 • 26 mins

Steve Caplin marvels at the success of Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip, enabling a paralysed man to control a computer. He thinks filmmakers and song writers should be very afraid of AI technology that could make them redundant. He has hopes for an autonomous road repair system designed to stop potholes developing. He feels the investor of a bike lane sweeper hasn't thought things through properly. Northrup Grmman has won a contract to develop a railway on the moon. There's a stair-climbing robot vacuum. And the world's fastest camera has got even faster. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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