Upgrade Your Education Business

Sumantha McMahon

Each week, Sumantha shares fluff-free actionable ideas for education businesses who want to grow their businesses on their terms.  Whether it’s marketing, turning ideas to income or wellbeing, each episode is designed to inspire you to take action that you can mould to suit your needs.  Sumantha has been delivering training to large and medium sized businesses for 17+ years. As a teacher-turned-tutor, she now focuses on supporting education businesses. Outside of this, Sumantha delivers training to organisations and UK-based school trusts. For more information, visit www.UpgradeYourEducationBusiness.com read less


113 What To Do When Clients Aren't Saying Yes
113 What To Do When Clients Aren't Saying Yes
So, you're working really hard with marketing and promoting yourself. You're doing everything the experts are telling you. You see it working so well for others, so why aren't enough clients saying 'yes' to you?Well, the reality is, there can be so many reasons, many of which I'll explore in today's episode. But the important thing here is that you're asking the question with the intention of finding solutions. Ready? Let's change things now.Enjoy :-) Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
112 Future-Proofing Your Business (And What It Means To You)
112 Future-Proofing Your Business (And What It Means To You)
When you think of future-proofing your business, what does it mean to you? What springs to mind?To me, it means doing things that my future self will thank me for because I've put things into place that accommodates for whatever position I'm in at that time.And with that in mind, it's clear that the concept of future-proofing and what it looks like means different things to different people. Because, it depends on where you are in your life Listen for the three approaches you can take, to make sure you feel safe and that your business can last for as long as you want it to.Enjoy :-)Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
111 How To Choose Advice To Follow (And What To Ignore)
111 How To Choose Advice To Follow (And What To Ignore)
When we want to learn, we seek information from different people.The more people we seek information from, the more we learn, right?Right.But sometimes, it leads to flooding, to overwhelm.In this unbiased episode, I give you some pointers on how to choose who to listen to (and who not to listen to), so you get real benefit, minus the confusion.Enjoy :-) Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
110 Standing Out In A Crowded Niche
110 Standing Out In A Crowded Niche
Do you ever feel like your niche is jam packed? Do you worry that there might not be enough room for you?Here's some good news.If there are loads of people doing what you're doing, it means there's a demand for it. And that means, there's no reason why you wouldn't attract clients too.But how? Why would someone choose you over someone else?Ready for the answer? It's super simple!By being your own niche.Listen to today's episode to know exactly how to do it.Enjoy :-) Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
PS 49 Take A Day At A Time
PS 49 Take A Day At A Time
Ever tried to make resolutions and spectacularly failed? I have. That's why I don't do New Year's ones anymore.I never really thought about why I always break them. Just thought it was me.But this concept of taking one day at a time actually hit home.In this episode, I share an important lesson I learnt from a friend of mine, and how it has transformed how I make changes in my life and business.Enjoy :-)Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
109 4 'Little Big' Things To Make More Sales
109 4 'Little Big' Things To Make More Sales
I'm here to tell you that selling can be comfortable - not pushy. If you work with me or have worked with me, you'll know that I only teach relationship-based sales, and strategies that are permission based. So, in this episode, I share four quick strategies that lean into YOUR preferred style of selling:Looking at opportunities in front of youWelcoming honest feedbackCreating a world people want to enter and stay inDefining your sales styleEnjoy :-) Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
108 3 Ways To Alleviate The Panic Of Seasonal Income Drops
108 3 Ways To Alleviate The Panic Of Seasonal Income Drops
Here's the good news - us edu business owners usually know when our seasonal income drops are. And that means we can plan for them!In this episode, I share the ways I make these periods less stressful by:✔ Getting familiar with my numbers✔ Creating planned income boosts✔ Exploring passive, scalable and passive-income streamsEnjoy :-) SumanthaPS, If you're a masterminder, here's the training that'll help.Strategic business growthPassive Income Ideas____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
PS 47 The Solution Lies With Us
PS 47 The Solution Lies With Us
Leaving teaching in some ways solved very little. Yes i was out of an environment that was not having a good effect on me but I was still working far too much regardless of how many clients I did or didn't have.I was still saying yes to too many people who wanted my help. And I was still bending over backwards at my detriment in order to help other people.Listen to this short episode where I share the one mindset shift that changed everything.Enjoy :-) Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon
107 4 Hacks For Content Ideas
107 4 Hacks For Content Ideas
Last week, I shared some marketing mistakes I've made in the past, and it went down so well that I thought I'd extend it to sharing some hacks for content ideas.Before I give you a sneak peak, if you're a masterminder, check out the training under Content That Converts Browsers To Buyers - I have a hands-on session that'll help you generate loads of content ideas.Here's the link. And regardless if you're a masterminder or not, you're welcome to fast-track your content writing through my 100 content prompts (buy once, lifetime access). Right, let's get to it!Here are the four hacks I share in today's episode:Circle around what you want to be known forMake notes about interesting things happening in your life (we're nosey, we want to know!)Repurpose - I've talked about it before but in this episode, I share new ideasMake notes as you get bursts of inspiration (I share ideas around this)Enjoy :-)Sumantha____________________👋🏽 Hello! I'm Sumantha McMahon, a qualified business trainer with over 15 years' experience, and a former teacher turned tutor.I specialise in supporting education business owners launch, grow and scale on their terms.Here are three ways to work with me:#1 Bespoke 1:1 MentoringGoal-driven wrap-around support, with 1:1 strategy calls, WhatsApp support and free access to The Tutors' Mastermind.#2 The Tutors' MastermindThe leading membership for edupreneurs that combines tailored training (live and recorded), a community of like-minded business owners and exclusive discounts to resources in The Training Jukebox.#3 The Training JukeboxA growing hub of resources and self-paced courses e.g. group classes, to help you pick and choose specific areas of your business to boost.____________________Sometimes, I share links to resources and apps that I recommend. They are all based on my experience - if I don't love them, I don't recommend them. In some cases, I earn a small commission for my recommendation, at no cost to you.© 2024 Sumantha McMahon