The Easy No-Cost Drip Campaign

The Target Practice Podcast for Insurance Agents

10-05-2022 • 18 mins

A marketing drip campaign does not have to be expensive at all. Despite the numerous tools out there that can help you create and manage these campaigns, it does not have to be complicated to be effective. These marketing campaigns are something everyone can do because in essence they require time, not money.

The simplest form of your drip campaign starts with you studying and listening to the top educators and thought leaders in the industry. You should be pursuing accurate advice, be the truth hunter. This will help you stay educated and excited for the industry. Then you’re going to take this inflow of knowledge, add your unique spin or perspective to it, and overflow it to prospective clients that could use the information.

How do you get this valuable information out there? Recording videos on Zoom, cleaning them up with Loom, and posting to YouTube is a quick and easy way that has worked well for us. Then connect and engage with your email list. Video is a powerful way to get your information out there, or if you are a good writer, you can craft blog posts… or you can do both!

In today’s digital environment, it’s easier than ever to leverage the power of free software and online tools to help you show your expertise and get more prospects into your funnel, which leads to more deals at the other end. Check this episode out and we’ll explain what a drip campaign is, and give you some ideas on how to set up one that works for you.

Just know that all of these methods we are covering in this series work. Listen to this episode and learn more about marketing, try to pick the style that fits you the best, and put it to work in your business!

About Charlie Jewett

Charlie Jewett is an author, speaker, recruiter, trainer, consumer advocate and investment advisor from San Diego, CA. As the “Financial Services Whistleblower” Charlie has been trying to change the way that industry professionals and consumers think about retirement since 2005. With considerable years of experience and an array of professional certifications, Charlie focuses on stock market alternatives combined with tax-free retirement income and provides educational materials that help people to create their ideal retirement plan. He is the host of two podcasts, Renovating Retirement and Target Practice for Advisors, as well as the author of “Renovating Retirement” and “Two Ways to Be Debt Free”, both available on Amazon Kindle.

About Bobby Alford

Bobby Alford has walked an unconventional path to becoming the CEO of Renovating Retirement. He spent 10 years in the US Submarine force, both as an officer and enlisted person, earning a degree in nuclear engineering along the way. Bobby then joined corporate America and worked for a Fortune 50 company in operations, finance, and sales management roles. After getting his MBA, he began working with military veterans to improve their retirement options. At that point he found Charlie Jewett and learned how to truly impact a person's financial life using the MERIT model of planning. Bobby joined Charlie and now uses his skills to grow their company toward achieving the goal of creating $1 billion dollars of annual tax-Free money for their clients.

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