What This Podcast Is All About

The Target Practice Podcast for Insurance Agents

05-04-2022 • 27 mins

Charlie Jewett and Bobby Alford kick off a new podcast called “Target Practice” for insurance agents who want to earn more target premiums by increasing their practice. How do you build the practice of your dream? Whether you want to work fewer hours or more hours; or perhaps sell your practice and plan out exit strategies, we can give you some tips and tricks on how to do either one of those things. Learn from Charlie Jewett who has been an independent insurance agent and financial advisor for 17 years and counting and Bobby Alford, a newbie agent that made a whopping six-figure income in his first year as an insurance agent. Every episode of this series will fall into one of the three categories: marketing, sales and customer service.
  1. Marketing - anything that gets a person to raise their hand and say tell me more. Charlie and Bobby will tell you different strategies on how you can get a client to listen to what you have to say.
  2. Sales - helping people to know what they should do or want to do and getting them to do what they should do or want to do. Sales can be looked at into two broad categories: getting a client get the divorce (your client will be leaving something behind - either the strategies they're used to, their inferior insurance policies or their current financial advisor) and getting the client marry you, or basically go with you and agree to get help and advice from you.

Everyone needs a salesperson who can communicate and persuade them to do the right thing, but that person must be ethical and cannot be looking out for themselves but the client and using their persuasion for the client’s end goal. What do you need to stand out and be able to market yourself as an agent that’s different and unique from others?

  1. Customer service – This stage begins not when you have finalized a policy but at the start of the application. It could be a lot of paperwork and a nuisance, but referrals are not going to happen instantly even when you deliver a satisfactory product or result. This has a lot to do with perception management - whatever the client perceives or feels, is what happened. Whether you said or did the correct thing, whatever they think happened is what happened and that it's all that matters.

This aspect is crucial because every client you have now has the potential to bring in more business just from referrals and word of mouth. There’s a whole world of future business for every client if you don't offend them and do right by them.

In the next episodes, Charlie and Bobby will unpack different strategies that can make you money. Learn about different strategies and ways to make it work. Ultimately, find one that fits you, know the pros and cons, and double down on it.

About Charlie Jewett

Charlie Jewett is an author, speaker, recruiter, trainer, consumer advocate and investment advisor from San Diego, CA. As the “Financial Services Whistleblower” Charlie has been trying to change the way that industry professionals and consumers think about retirement since 2005. With considerable years of experience and an array of professional certifications, Charlie focuses on stock market alternatives combined with tax-free retirement income and provides educational materials that help people to create their ideal retirement plan. He is the host of two podcasts, Renovating Retirement  and Target Practice for Advisors, as well as the author of “Renovating Retirement” and “Two Ways to Be Debt Free”, both available on Amazon Kindle.

About Bobby Alford

Bobby Alford has walked an unconventional path to becoming the CEO of Renovating Retirement. He spent 10 years in the US Submarine force, both as an officer and enlisted person, earning a degree in nuclear engineering along the way. Bobby then joined corporate America and worked for a Fortune 50 company in operations, finance, and sales management roles. After getting his MBA, he began working with military veterans to improve their retirement options. At that point he found Charlie Jewett and learned how to truly impact a person's financial life using the MERIT model of planning. Bobby joined Charlie and now uses his skills to grow their company toward achieving the goal of creating $1 billion dollars of annual tax-Free money for their clients.

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