Flavor Profiles: Ravnica, Seasons of Change (Session I)

Flavor Profiles, A Magic: The Gathering Podcast

05-06-2024 • 2 hrs 36 mins

It's our 25th Episode, and Matt & Nat have something BIG in store. This is the first session of our DND campaign, Ravnica: Seasons of Change!

Get ready to Untap, Upkeep, and ROLL for Initiative!

This is our bi-weekly group comprising some of Magic the Gathering's biggest personalities

@Zabracus as Vexra

@Voiddyn as Sal

@izadoodle_ as Nailyn

@YawgGoth as Janus

With your co-DMs, Matt & Nat

Follow us on Twitter @FlavorProfiles_ for future session times, and watch live on Twitch.com/GiraffaNat

Do you like swag? Don't forget to visit our official merchandise store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-flavor-profiles-kitchen-collection/

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