Gay World 2025

Paul Angelo

Discover principles for successful relationships, business, and life. Fall in love, get married, and live a happy gay life! Join a community of gay men and create the best relationships of your life! For more, please visit read less


Gay Trauma, Sex & Polarity Consciousness
Gay Trauma, Sex & Polarity Consciousness
Welcome to an eye-opening podcast with Paul Angelo! In this episode, we delve into the intricate psychological concepts of trauma, shame, and polarity consciousness, revealing their deep impact on gay relationships. If you're a single gay man looking for genuine connections and healthier relationships, this podcast is essential viewing.Key Topics Covered:► Unseen trauma and shame in gay men► The influence of sexual compatibility on mental health► Understanding idealization and devaluation in relationships► Breaking free from polarity consciousness► Fostering emotional, intellectual, and spiritual connectionsDiscover how these hidden factors shape your dating life and explore the Big Gay Family Social Program, designed to help gay men build fulfilling relationships based on authentic connection, not just sexual compatibility.Join us on a journey to higher consciousness and healthier, more meaningful relationships. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more insightful videos on improving gay relationships, overcoming trauma, and finding true love.#GayRelationships #SingleGayMen #GayDating #TraumaInGayMen #GayShame #PolarityConsciousness #SexualCompatibility #MentalHealth #GayConnections #BigGayFamily #HigherConsciousness #OvercomingTrauma #FindingTrueLove #GayRelationshipAdvice #BuildingConnections #HealthyRelationshipsDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Best Ways To Avoid Toxic Gay Men For Dating & Relationships
Best Ways To Avoid Toxic Gay Men For Dating & Relationships
In this video, you will learn how to avoid toxic gay men and how to set yourself up for success with gay friendships and relationships.The quest for understanding, trust, and genuine connections in relationships often leads us to a broader question: Why do toxic individuals exist, especially in the gay community? What are the roots of this toxicity, and how can one navigate through it to find meaningful relationships?"Toxicity in human behavior is like pollution in the air - it's often a byproduct of the environment," as psychologist Dr. Lorraine M. Dillard once mentioned. Delving deeper into the socio-cultural fabric that has woven the lives of many gay men, we find several interwoven threads that have contributed to creating the backdrop against which some individuals may grow toxic.Historically, the past four decades of American culture have witnessed an escalating emphasis on materialism, individualism, and sexual liberation. The culture, driven by consumerism and an ever-growing focus on the 'self,' has inadvertently overshadowed core human values like community, shared experiences, and deep-rooted connections.Author Mark Manson in his book, "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck," reflects upon this societal shift, stating, "The more we chase after superficial metrics of success, the more we alienate ourselves from the very essence of happiness and meaningful connections."Such a societal backdrop, with its inherent dysfunctionalities, becomes the ground on which parents, influenced by the ethos of their times, rear their children. The inter-generational transmission of values becomes tainted with the same superficiality, often leading to the propagation of the same dysfunction across generations. As psychologist Dr. Philip Zimbardo expressed, "We are shaped by our environment; our societal structure influences the contours of our personality."Over the decades, the gay community, while having its unique challenges, has not remained impervious to these broader cultural shifts. Historically marginalized, the community, in its endeavor to assert identity, sometimes placed undue emphasis on aspects like appearance, material gains, and fleeting sensations - all ephemeral markers of identity. This overt focus on surface-level interactions has, unfortunately, sidelined profound values like love, community, and spiritual transcendence.Renowned gay activist Harvey Milk once commented, "It's not about personal gain, not about ego, not about power... it's about giving those young people out there in the Altoona, Pennsylvanias, hope." Milk's words resonate deeply with the idea that the community needs to prioritize substance over the superficial, meaningful bonds over transient ties.The outcome of such a cultural evolution is visible in the prevalence of various personality disorders, ranging from sociopathy, narcissism, to borderline and dissociative disorders. Such disorders are not mere labels but reflect deeper schisms in personal identities and social connections.In conclusion, understanding toxicity in the gay community and finding a way around it requires a broader perspective. Recognizing the societal and cultural shifts, being aware of their implications, and adopting an informed approach towards dating and relationships can pave the way for meaningful, lasting connections. As individuals, and collectively as a community, the onus is on us to emphasize love, genuine connections, and spiritual growth over ephemeral markers of identDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
The Perfect 40+ Gay Dating Strategy
The Perfect 40+ Gay Dating Strategy
Many single gay men often wrestle with self-blame, attributing their relationship status to personal shortcomings or misfortunes. However, it's crucial to understand that the issue often lies not with individuals, but with the broader dating landscape. Current dating services, unfortunately, can foster environments rife with toxicity and even abusive behaviors, pushing potential connections away rather than bringing them closer. This adversarial atmosphere, propagated by mainstream dating platforms, might be the core reason why countless gay men find themselves perpetually single.Enter – a platform designed to reverse the problematic dynamics of the traditional dating scene. It's quite an epiphany for many when they discover that building and sustaining relationships can be straightforward, rewarding, and devoid of unnecessary drama. All it often takes is the right approach, framework, and mindset.In this video, we'll delve into a transformative dating strategy exclusively developed for the Big Gay Family Social Program. A strategy that places at its core the principles of genuine connection, mutual respect, and lasting commitment.One of the unique selling points of this strategy is the emphasis on creating a magical first impression. As the saying goes, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." And at, we make sure that first impression sets the stage for a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding.However, the strategy doesn't stop there. One of the major pitfalls in many conversations, especially early ones, is diving headfirst into divisive and sensitive topics. By promoting conversational hygiene, we guide members to steer clear of potential minefields such as discussions on sex, politics, money, and age disparities, at least in the initial stages. The idea isn't to sweep these subjects under the rug but to ensure conversations are constructive and conducive to building a connection.Building upon the foundation of a strong first impression and well-navigated conversations, the strategy further emphasizes the significance of consistency. It's not just about one great date, but a sequence of meaningful interactions that solidify the bond between two individuals. Through regular, quality time spent together, trust and commitment naturally blossom. Over time, these consistent interactions pave the way for deeper understanding, unshakable trust, and eventually, a commitment that stands the test of time.In conclusion, while the world of dating might seem treacherous and fraught with challenges, with the right strategy and platform, it's entirely possible to navigate it successfully. We invite you to explore this game-changing approach at and set yourself on the path to meaningful, lasting relationships. Join us at Big Gay Family:https://BigGayFamily.comDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
How To Be Authentic (Gay)
How To Be Authentic (Gay)
The Value of Authenticity in Human Interactions: A Focus on Gay MenIn the modern digital age, the allure of convenience and instant gratification often overshadows the intrinsic value of genuine human connection. For single gay men, the prevalent use of hookup apps can sometimes shift the focus from seeking meaningful relationships to pursuing fleeting encounters. While such platforms offer a space for exploration and connection, they can sometimes perpetuate a culture that prioritizes surface-level interactions over depth and authenticity.Understanding Authenticity:Authenticity, at its core, is about being genuine and true to oneself. When an individual is authentic, they openly express their feelings, values, desires, and experiences. This transparency not only allows individuals to connect with their inner selves but also paves the way for deep, meaningful relationships with others."To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." – Ralph Waldo Emerson.In the context of relationships, especially among gay men, authenticity can be the key to fostering trust, understanding, and intimacy. Being genuine in one's interactions ensures that connections are rooted in reality, allowing both parties to see and value each other for who they truly are.The Downside of Superficial Interactions:Hookup apps, by their very design, often prioritize immediacy over depth. The interaction often starts with a picture, followed by short, succinct exchanges that can, at times, adhere to a certain 'script' or agenda. While these apps can be beneficial for some, especially for those who are clear about their intentions, they can inadvertently promote superficiality."People wear masks of lies so that they look attractive, so be careful." – Muhammad Saqib.When connections are built on curated personas or singular motives, they seldom transition into relationships that stand the test of time. The conversations lack the richness of shared experiences, values, and dreams. They become part of a 'sexual agenda' rather than a heartfelt dialogue.The Path to Authentic Connections:For gay men seeking meaningful connections, authenticity must be the guiding principle. It's essential to cultivate spaces and moments where one can be vulnerable, open, and genuine. Whether it's sharing personal stories, discussing fears, or expressing love, being authentic allows for true intimacy."Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen." – Brené Brown.In conclusion, while there's no denying the convenience and allure of digital platforms, it's crucial to approach them with a mindset of authenticity. For single gay men, and indeed for anyone, authentic interactions can pave the way for relationships that are not only fulfilling but also deeply transformative.Don't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
How To Know If A Gay Man Is Hurt or Wounded - By Paul Angelo & Big Gay Family
How To Know If A Gay Man Is Hurt or Wounded - By Paul Angelo & Big Gay Family
Friends,The complexity of the human psyche is profound, and for gay men, it is often overlaid with layers of societal stigma, shame, and trauma that can manifest in various ways. One specific manifestation is an overemphasis on sexual connection at the cost of emotional or spiritual connection. By understanding the signs and root causes of this psychological wounding, individuals can begin the journey of self-awareness and healing.Shame and Its OriginsFor many gay men, the journey to self-acceptance is riddled with external and internalized homophobia. The feeling of not fitting into societal norms, family expectations, or even certain cultural settings can lead to a profound sense of shame. This shame can be internalized and can result in a perception that diminishes all forms of connections, narrowing them down predominantly to the sexual realm. When gay men are continually told, either implicitly or explicitly, that their value lies primarily in their sexuality, it's no wonder that they might come to prioritize sexual connections over others.Manifestations of TraumaThe impact of this shame and the trauma it engenders can manifest in a variety of ways:Sensation Seeking (Abusive Sex): When emotional or spiritual connections are missing, there can be an increased propensity to seek heightened sensations to fill the void. This can result in engaging in abusive or high-risk sexual behaviors. Such actions are not rooted in intimacy but rather in a desire to experience a fleeting high or escape from the pain of underlying trauma.Dissociation: Over-prioritizing sexual compatibility can be a form of dissociation, where there's a disconnect from the holistic understanding of oneself and others. When the focus is mainly on physical gratification, it can lead to relationships devoid of emotional depth, preventing genuine bonds from forming.Repetition Compulsion: This refers to the unconscious desire to replay traumatic events in an attempt to "fix" them. For some gay men who have experienced abuse or neglect, there can be a pattern of seeking out similar experiences in the hope of gaining a different outcome. This cycle can be particularly harmful as it reinforces the trauma and validates the internalized feelings of worthlessness or shame.Recognizing and Healing the WoundIdentifying psychological wounding is the first step toward healing. For gay men grappling with these issues, introspection is vital. Ask yourself:Are my relationships mostly defined by physical intimacy?Do I avoid or fear emotional and spiritual connections with other men?Am I repeatedly drawn to unhealthy or abusive relationships?The answers to these questions can act as a guidepost, indicating areas that might benefit from further exploration and healing.For those who recognize these patterns in themselves or someone they care about, seeking professional guidance can be invaluable. Therapists or counselors, especially those specializing in gay issues, can provide a safe space to delve into these issues, offering insights and tools to rebuild a more holistic sense of self.In conclusion, while an overemphasis on sexual connections among gay men can indeed signal a fragmented mindset or psychological wounding, recognizing this pattern is the first step in a transformative journey. It's crucial for individuals and the community at large to foster environments that nurture all forms of connections — emotional, spirDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Gay Sexual Compatibility As Insecurity - Paul Angelo - Big Gay Family
Gay Sexual Compatibility As Insecurity - Paul Angelo - Big Gay Family
Sexual compatibility can be seen as an insecurity that protects gay men from embracing wholeness in themselves and others.  Human relationships require a combination of emotion, intellect, and spirit to thrive and grow. Psychologist Dr. Deborah Taj Anapol, states, "Sexual compatibility is only one piece of the puzzle. It's important, but it's not the whole story." Therefore, relationships based solely on sexual compatibility can leave individuals feeling unsatisfied and disconnected from their partners.When gay men interact only through sexual compatibility, they do so from a place of self-minimization or shame. According to Psychologist Dr. Joe Kort, "When gay men view other men as sexual objects, it's often because they are ashamed of their sexuality and haven't fully accepted themselves." This shame can manifest itself in various ways, such as objectifying others, prioritizing physical appearances over emotional connections, or engaging in risky sexual behavior.Additionally, if a gay man is still closeted and hasn't fully come out, they may be more likely to focus on sexual compatibility as a way to connect with others while avoiding intimacy that could potentially out them. As noted in "Gay and Lesbian Identity," by Eli Coleman and Esther D. Rothblum, "In the early stages of coming out, men may be more likely to seek out casual sex as a way to explore their sexuality without the pressure of forming meaningful relationships." While sexual exploration is a necessary part of some people's journeys, engaging in purely sexual relationships with others can prevent deeper connections from forming.Moreover, the absence of positive father figures can also impact homosexual male’s ability to form healthy relationships. Guy Corneau, in "Absent Fathers, Lost Sons," asserts that if we don't have a point of reference for a loving father, our relationships with men will not be healthy. He posits that “the boy remains in a state of longing, in search of a good father, seeking a reference point for his masculinity." This yearning can lead to negative behavioral patterns, such as seeking validation through sex and relationships rather than genuine connection.In conclusion, sexual compatibility is only one piece of the puzzle in relationships, and wholesome relationships require a combination of emotional, intellectual, and spiritual connections. Engaging with others solely on the basis of sexual attraction may be a means of avoiding intimacy or a symptom of internalized shame in gay men, and in turn, prevent genuine connections from forming. Moreover, the absence of a positive father figure can exacerbate these challenges and can lead to negative behavioral patterns when seeking validation through relationships and otherwise.► Meet Gay Men Without Rejections! Click here: ► Get 100% 3rd dates.  No Ghosting or Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! No More Lonely Nights & Anxieties!Don't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
We Are All Closeted (Gay)
We Are All Closeted (Gay)
For many gay men, coming out of the closet can be one of the toughest things they'll ever do. It involves revealing your sexuality to friends, family, and the world, a process that can be incredibly challenging, both emotionally and mentally. But coming out is not limited to telling others you are gay.  Proper coming out includes healthy socialization that involves multiple parts.  These parts include the mind, emotions, spirit, and body, and they all contribute to a healthy and wholesome dating life. In this video, we'll take a closer look at these four dimensions and explain why wholesome dating involves all of them, while fragmented dating involves only the sexual part.Firstly, let's consider the importance of the mind when it comes to dating. Your mind plays a crucial role in choosing the right partner. It's vital to engage your mind during the dating process and consider factors such as whether the person is adding value to your life or taking away value from it. The mind should guide your decisions to avoid destructive relationships, such as those with unfaithful or abusive partners, regardless of how physically or emotionally attractive they might be.Emotions are another crucial part of the dating process. Stronger than reason, they can sway your decision-making and lead you to make regrettable choices. Managing your emotions is therefore essential during dating, and it's important to pursue relationships with partners with stable and positive emotions.Spirituality constitutes the third dimension of dating and involves sharing similar beliefs, values, and ideologies with your partner. Building a relationship with someone who aligns with you on matters such as faith, honesty, and integrity is essential, as polar opposite views can erode the relationship.Lastly, let's talk about how the body fits into wholesome dating. Sex is often the first to be prioritized when it comes to dating, but it's vital to understand that it alone cannot sustain a relationship. Having a fulfilling relationship requires balance across all four dimensions, with the sexual aspect being just one of them.On the other hand, fragmented dating places all focus on sexual attraction and satisfaction, without considering other essential factors. Relationships based purely on sexual attraction are short-lived and often centered on casual sex, loneliness, and emotional pain.In conclusion, pursuing wholesome dating that balances all four dimensions leads to lasting, fulfilling relationships, while fragmented dating can lead to hollow, fleeting connections. Make sure to keep all four dimensions in mind while searching for a partner and aim for connections that are authentic, balanced, and life-changing.Enjoy the video!✅ 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Free video training here:✅ Ready to Join Big Gay Family?Meet gay men differently: ✅ About Paul Angelo MHA, MBA"It is not your fault that you are single.  It is the fault of the dating platforms that enable abuse and turn gay men against each other." --Paul AngeloMeet gay men properly: #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbtDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
False “Coming Out” Gay by Paul Angelo & Big Gay Family
False “Coming Out” Gay by Paul Angelo & Big Gay Family
In this podcast, we’re discussing what it means to “come out” and what it doesn’t mean. Contrary to popular belief, going to sex parties or engaging in sexual activity with other men is not what it means to “come out.” Instead, we’ll explore what it really means to be true to yourself and your sexuality.To start, we’ll ask some questions about your relationships with other gay men. Do you have healthy friendships with other gay men? Are you part of a legitimate gay community with leaders and others who are part of that community? Do you do things with other gay men? These questions will help us determine if you have truly “come out” or not.Having healthy friendships with other gay men is an essential part of being comfortable with your sexuality. Without these friendships, it can be difficult to be honest with yourself and others about your feelings and experiences. While finding a romantic partner may seem like a solution, it’s important to recognize that being with someone who is not true to themselves won’t allow you to be true to yourself in the long run.By exploring what it truly means to “come out” and understanding the importance of healthy relationships with other gay men, we hope to help you live a more fulfilling and authentic life.Many gay men struggle with forming meaningful friendships, and this can affect their romantic relationships. The problem is that we often place a lot of expectations on our partners to fulfill the emotional and social needs that should be met through friendships. However, this burden is too heavy for any single person to bear.The root of the problem is that many of us are not fully “out” in all aspects of our lives. We may be comfortable with our sexuality, but we haven’t fully embraced our multi-dimensional existence as gay men. This includes not just one-on-one relationships, but also our participation in various communities. When we are part of a larger community, we have more opportunities to form healthy friendships, but unfortunately, this doesn’t happen often enough.So, coming out isn’t just about being comfortable with your sexuality or having sex with other men. It’s about embracing all aspects of your gayness and forming meaningful connections with others in your community. Without these connections, it’s impossible to build a truly fulfilling and sustainable romantic relationship.Join us - visit the website and begin enrollment:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Don't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
How To Avoid Broken Gay Men
How To Avoid Broken Gay Men
Broken gay men are all around us. Avoiding broken gay men is required for mental health and happiness.  Imagine how much time is wasted when you are in a relationship with a narcissistic man for 10 years.  Not only are you getting abused for 10 years, but also you are not available for a healthy relationship during that time.    In this podcast, you will learn how to avoid all broken gay men and how to meet healthy and loving men for long-term relationships and healthy dating. Enjoy!► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage.  By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbtDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Delaying Sex Until Marriage (Gay)
Delaying Sex Until Marriage (Gay)
What will happen if you delay sex until marriage?  What are the psychological benefits of delaying sex until you are married?  This approach is contrary to the mainstream approach which prioritizes sex above all else (emotion, spirit, mind).  The starting point is to recognize what is happening today with gay men:  most gay men are anxious, depressed, and lonely!  Is it possible that this is the outcome of the approach to sex over the past 40 years?  I think it is.  Watch this podcast to see for yourself how the perspectives on sex shape your reality of meeting and connecting with gay men for relationships.   Enjoy!  ► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage.  By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand-new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbtDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
The Best Superfood For Gay Men
The Best Superfood For Gay Men
Discover the best superfood for gay men - better than any vitamin or superfood you have ever had.  This superfood will make you strong, happy, and successful! Can you guess what that is?  ► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage.  By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbtDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Absent Fathers Lost Sons (Gay)
Absent Fathers Lost Sons (Gay)
Why is it so difficult to stay consistent with exercise, dating, and achievement? Why are so many gay men falling apart and struggling in their lives? Why are so many gay men addicted to sex, drugs, and self-hate?  What is happening underneath the surface that creates long-term suffering, anxieties, and depression for gay men?  Watch this podcast to learn.  Enjoy!► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage.  By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbtDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Paul Angelo - Dangers Of Being In The Closet For Gay Men
Paul Angelo - Dangers Of Being In The Closet For Gay Men
What is the price of staying in the closet?  What is the psychological impact of being in the closet?  This podcast describes what happens when a gay man is closeted and how it will affect his relationships for the rest of his life.  Enjoy!► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage.  By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbtDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
How Grindr Ruins Gay Lives - Direct Explanation
How Grindr Ruins Gay Lives - Direct Explanation
Grindr and most online hookup apps and websites, including, and OkCupid do not provide a platform for healthy communication. All conversations eventually lead to abandonment, dismissal, disrespect, and often trauma.Continuous exposure on those platforms takes away a sense of wholeness and innocence from many gay men and often turns them into aggressive jerks.  This is how many gay men who are compassionate and loving at the beginning become negative, angry, and upset after just a few months of using Grindr, Scruff, Growlr, or similar apps.Staying away from Grindr and similar platforms is a must for anyone who is concerned about mental health and loving relationships.The easiest way to understand Grindr's influence on gay relationships is to look at a popular communication framework called NVC (Non-Violent Communication). This model was designed for healthy communication that takes into account 4 elements:1. Observation.2. Feelings in regards to the observation.3. Needs that the person wants to meet.4. Request to correct the situation to meet those needs and validate the feelings.Those four parts take into account the human need for compassion, understanding, and acceptance. Without those parts, every conversation becomes an injury, a wound, a trauma.► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage.  By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Sexuality Social Contracts For Gay Men
Sexuality Social Contracts For Gay Men
Gay Sexuality Social Contract revolutionizes the approach to gay friendships and gay relationships. In this podcast, you will learn about gay social contracts and how The Big Gay Family Social Program offers tools for faster and healthier approaches to friendships and gay relationships.  You will understand why we need Social Contracts and you will see how to create a Social Contract within a few minutes.  Enjoy the podcast!► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and meaningless relationships!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage.  By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.Paul is the creator of a popular gay social program called Big Gay Family that changes the way gay men meet and creates relationships that start with emotional connection instead of sexual. All men are welcome to join Big Gay Family and experience a paradigm shift in personal friendships and relationships.#biggayfamily #paulangelo #gaylove #gaydating #lgbtDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Big Gay Family - Gay Dating Strategies Beyond Sex
Big Gay Family - Gay Dating Strategies Beyond Sex
Dating through the heart offers the greatest opportunity for love and long-term relationships.  So far, most gay men have focused on arousal-based dating, which is about sexual compatibility.  Some gay men have tried the mental model for dating by having clarity about the criteria for lovers and looking for those gay men who match those criteria.   But very few gay men have tried the heart model for dating.  When you lead with the heart, you have a chance to connect to a wider range of men and you are able to give love and receive love right now instead of waiting and hoping to meet someone in the future.  Arousal keeps us stuck in sexual fantasy.  The mind keeps us stuck in the future.   The heart, however, brings you back to the present moment, and practicing this approach offers the greatest opportunity for love in your life.  Please watch this podcast to learn more.► 6 Stages For Committed Gay Relationships:Discover the six stages required for committed gay relationships. When you meet gay men, you go through these six stages to create a commitment. Instead of dating randomly, you want to date with the intent to move from stage to stage and connect to men emotionally and spiritually.  This lays the foundation for long-term relationships that lead to marriage.  Watch the free video here:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: ➜ ➜ You get convenient access to gay men.➜ ➜ You get the methods to connect with them.➜ ➜ You get protection from the hookup culture.➜ ➜ You get guidance & support.Click here for free enrollment: Life is short - don't waste it on hookups and frustrations!  See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.► About Paul Angelo MHA, MBAPaul Angelo is a gay relationship coach working with men who are looking for long-term relationships and marriage. By 2022, Paul has spent over 12,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships.With over 80 video testimonials and over 500 publicly available videos about gay psychology, Paul is the world’s leader in education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality. Paul is the creator of multiple video-based coaching programs about gay compatibility, gay psychology, and gay sexuality: Your Perfect Husband, Your Perfect Dating Sequence, Gay Compatibility Formula, Sex On Rocks, and Gay Relationship Mindsets.Paul’s contribution to the world of gay psychology includes the development of a brand new philosophy for relationships and a brand-new framework for gay sexuality that simplifies dating and creates commitment and monogamy.Paul is the crDon't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Big Gay Family - Psychology Of Ghosting (Gay)
Big Gay Family - Psychology Of Ghosting (Gay)
Ghosting leads to trauma and emotional abuse.  Most gay men under the age of 40 are afraid of human interaction and are socially awkward - and they will ghost you instead of telling you they are anxious to meet you.  Exposing yourself to ghosting causes depression, anxieties, and mental health injury.  Meeting gay men in places that protect you from ghosting should be your priority at this time.► 6 Stages For Gay Dating & Gay Relationships:Discover the stages that make relationships possible. When you meet gay men, you will be going through those stages to create a committed gay relationship.  Instead of going randomly through dating, you can date with intent and deliberate action to move from stage to stage and ALWAYS go further than in any other dating strategy.  Check this out:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?Welcome to the Big Gay Family Social Program.  Since 2010, we have coached and matched 1,000's of gay men.  With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: *You get convenient access to gay men.*You get the methods to connect with them.*You get protection from the hookup culture.*You get guidance & support.You get everything you need to meet gay men and create meaningful relationships with them.  Please click below to begin your introductions: Life is short - don't waste it on being single forever!See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.Don't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment:
Big Gay Family - Sexual Desires Vs. Feelings (Gay)
Big Gay Family - Sexual Desires Vs. Feelings (Gay)
This podcast can be a beginning of a powerful sexual transformation for any gay man who is noticing the contradiction between sexual satisfaction and the feeling of guilt and shame after sex.  We will explore the importance of feelings after sexual activity.  You will discover how to build the bridge between your feelings and sexual desires.  You will also understand the ramifications of suppressing negative feelings after sex and why volatile sex is becoming the norm in the gay culture.► 6 Stages For Gay Dating & Gay Relationships:Discover the stages that make relationships possible. When you meet gay men, you will be going through those stages to create a committed gay relationship.  Instead of going randomly through dating, you can date with intent and deliberate action to move from stage to stage and ALWAYS go further than in any other dating strategy.  Check this out:► Ready to Join Big Gay Family?Welcome to the Big Gay Family Social Program.  Since 2010, we have coached and matched 1,000's of gay men.  With Big Gay Family you get everything in one place: *You get convenient access to gay men.*You get the methods to connect with them.*You get protection from the hookup culture.*You get guidance & support.You get everything you need to meet gay men and create meaningful relationships with them.  Please click below to begin your introductions: Life is short - don't waste it on being single forever!See you in the program.  --Paul Angelo MHA, MBA.Don't Let Grindr & Toxic Dating Keep You Single Forever! Join Our Program & Easily Connect With Gay Men Who Value Honesty, Intimacy & Spirituality! ► Meet Available And Friendly Gay Men! ► Get Protection From Narcissism & Toxic Situations.► Feel Connected Within Days! Click below to begin Free Enrollment: