Make a Change Today if Counseling Isn’t Working for Your Child

The Parenting Bridge

28-06-2024 • 20 mins

This video about whether counseling is effective or if you need another approach includes:

Counseling is a child-centered approach. Coaching is a parent-centered approach. Which do you need?

I think it's wrong that we teach kids coping skills elsewhere and then expect that they can learn them and then apply them at home.

If your child is in counseling you need to ask yourself if it is effective.

The other piece is looking at their behavior problems. Are there problems at home or school?  If there are school issues, you need an advocate in your corner to get the resources you need. If there are problems at home, you need to know how to handle those problems as they are happening.

It’s so critical to your relationship with your child to have extra help to know how to use connecting words, how to get out of power struggles,and  how to deal with the lying, manipulation, etc.

With behavioral challenges, coaching can often be more effective than counseling.


Dr. Michelle Alden, of Healthy Foundations and, hosts a weekly coaching Playroom for parents.

This coaching group is open to anyone wanting to know how to teach proper behavioral responses in a family. If you are interested in joining, visit


Our YouTube Channel:

To set up a FREE 15-minute consult with Dr. Alden about your parenting situation:

Or, ask a parenting question of Dr. Alden:

At Healthy Foundations, we take overwhelmed, beat-down parents who feel disrespected or abused by their children and coach them back into the driver’s seat to confidently create a family that builds strong family bonds for years to come.

For those parenting kids with challenging behaviors, coaching is imperative if you don’t understand the crazy behaviors you see. You can learn tools to help, but unless you have someone coaching you regularly, it is difficult to come around the extreme behaviors to make long-term changes.

If you are struggling to form a connection with your child because of safety or difficult behavioral issues, consider our 12-week online coaching program for intensive help:


Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how coaching can help you manage challenging behaviors in your home such as lying, manipulation, oppositional behavior, and the frustration of parenting an ADHD child.

Please leave a comment below and let us know if there is anything else we can do to help you parent your challenging child and to create stronger family bonds for years to come.


BOOK: Parenting Emotionally Distressed Kids:

ON DEMAND COURSE: Parenting the ADHD Kid:

PODCAST: The Parenting Bridge: