Shpeeling with Kelly, the tangents are real gang, spots, pcr, pranayama, jumping up and down and Kelly even chants for you!...its all here.
Nothing like a mixed bag to peak your interest or completely turn you off. But at the end I do offer a lovely chant, in my not so professional voice, but it is the love that counts, I hope you feel it. If you enjoyed this mad shpeel with me! I really appreciate your rating it and a review to grow an audience that sees Ayurveda is a viable health and wellness way to live!Follow The Dosha Life on Instagram for more life remedies, heartfelt inspirations and just the dosha life stuff, however you go, go gently, xSubscribing and downloading and telling a friend are the BAM! xGoogle My business here : https://g.page/r/CVrKcqiO7iOaEAEConnect with Kelly:FB Live https://www.facebook.com/kellymariemills/FB group The Dosha Life with Kelly orInstagram @thedoshalife or website https://www.yogaayurvedaliving.comHelp this podcast grow !? HOW? by Rating and reviewing and sharing to friends and groups! Click the links to find the podcatchers that allow reviewshttps://lovethepodcast.com/tdlclick here to subscribe and follow at your easiest podcatcher.https://followthepodcast.com/tdlThank you to Leah Wilmot for all her creativity.Thank you to Laura Lowry for her graphics.Support the show