#3 - Kindle Self Publishing Success Story - From $30 to $100+ Per Day With KDP (Interview)

The Alex Kaplo Podcast

03-03-2022 • 44 mins

What was suppose to be a kindle self publishing success story interview in 2018 for one of my early mentors (who has since quit self-publishing), quickly turned into an 'education session' for the both of us.

While some things in self-publishing have changed... a lot of strategies we talked about in this video are STILL extremely applicable for you to use to gain success in your own Amazon self-publishing business today, and you too can become a self-publishing success story!

Also, a few months after doing this interview, I became a full-time self-publisher (using many of the strategies discussed in this video) and have since been able to scale to a 'passive' six-figure a year Amazon self-publishing business.