Power of our self image - By Stacey Vanthuyne

Channel Business Podcast with Hanne

21-07-2023 • 45 mins

If you wish to level up, and change some parts of your life or in you, it all must begin within you. Tough, right? The Power of our self-image and the impact it has on our result - The question is; How to achieve more in life, in your relationships, your health, and your financial status? Why do people plateau or get stuck? We‘ll talk about how to overcome it and develop confidence from the boardroom to the bedroom! Stacey Vanthuyne is an expert at guiding people to reconnect with their passion, their purpose, and their desire for pleasure. She is a Proctor Gallagher Consultant, having studied the theology of mindset with and being mentored by the legendary Bob Proctor and David Meltzer as well as studying mindset from a more scientific perspective with Dr. Joe Dispenza and NLP with Niurka. She encourages us all to be our World Class You, by leveling up our self-image, self-belief, and awareness of the universal laws and power of our mind to create and experience more in life and relationships with others. So take a step with us to level up your life, confidence, and spirit to the next level and beyond. Plug into life’s party.