The Adventurer’s Spark to Catalyse a Cross-Ukraine Cycling Expedition with Paula Reid #72


01-11-2023 • 59 mins

Playing small does not serve the world, and by no means does Paula Reid ever play small.

She ventures where most seldom dare, cycling across the entirety of 16 countries, and most recently adding a war-stricken Ukraine to that list in an adventure which exposed the remarkable, resilient nature of its people.

What kind of mindset takes the nub of an idea and turns it into such a bold pursuit? Paula returns to Extrology this week for us to learn more…

Lee and Paula discuss:

  • Paula’s love of adventure
  • Regaining a sense of childlike wonder
  • How much of our lives we should spend in the comfort zone
  • The genesis of Paula’s cross-Ukraine cycle, and logistical challenges
  • Handling the emotional weight of the stories that came from Paula’s encounters

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