Overcoming Trauma & the Unbridled Power of Positivity with Shaka Surf Founder, Mark Reeves #57


03-05-2023 • 1 hr 4 mins

Mark Reeves’ journey through life might begin with a horrifying event, but it is far from a sad tale - it’s a story brimming with unrelenting positivity and inspiration for all.

After decades in an unfulfilling role, Mark found his calling in the surfing lifestyle, and began his new endeavour as Founder of Shaka Surf.

The depth of Mark’s experiences is truly unparalleled, and can only be told in his words, so it’s a pleasure and a privilege to share it in this week’s episode of Extrology.

Lee and Mark discuss:

  • The origins of Mark’s surf discovery and how he embraced the lifestyle
  • Positivity seeping through every part of Mark’s leadership at Shaka Surf
  • Making choices to be rich in life
  • The traumatic event which, at just 8 years old, changed Mark’s life trajectory
  • Creating and growing the huge phenomenon of the UK Dog Surfing Championships

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