The Great E-Bike Revolution with Co-Founder & CEO of DASH Rides, Jamie Milroy #60


30-06-2023 • 1 hr 6 mins

Transforming the way the world moves is no small feat, but taking e-bikes as the incredibly efficient basis for this mission was Jamie Milroy’s first step.

Proceeding to take the e-bike subscription platform DASH Rides up to a national scale proves its power, and as Co-Founder & CEO, Jamie’s drive and vision are nothing short of admirable.

Jamie joins us on Extrology to detail the storytelling behind successful fundraising, and how 30 seconds of courage is all it takes to set great ambitions in motion.

Lee and Jamie discuss:

  • How sustainability is emerging in the boardroom
  • Balancing profit against the need to do good
  • The virtues of finding a great Co-Founder
  • Storytelling as a key ingredient to fundraising
  • Jamie’s ‘30 Seconds of Courage’ mantra

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