Decoding decisions: anchoring, self-herding and science in B2B with Phil Barden


02-05-2024 • 24 mins

Join Dom Hawes and Phil Barden as they continue their exploration of decision science in B2B marketing.

  • Discover how subtle elements like perception and pricing can significantly influence buyer decisions.
  • Learn how distinctive branding and pricing strategies can optimize the decision-making process.
  • Learn about aligning explicit and implicit customer goals

The episode details how (B2B) marketers can utilise behavioural insights to modify customer behaviour without changing underlying beliefs and how to use past customer actions to guide future decisions.

About Phil Barden

Phil has over 25 years client-side brand management experience (Unilever, Diageo and T-Mobile). Whilst responsible for T-Mobile’s brand positioning and development around Europe he became a client of DECODE marketing consultancy and first encountered 'decision science’. DECODE’s work led to the Liverpool St flash mob ˈdanceˈ ad which increased T-Mobile sales by 49% and further work halved customer churn. This epiphanal moment led Phil to set up DECODE in the UK.

Author of ‘Decoded. The Science Behind Why We Buy’ and a Fellow of The Marketing Society, Phil works with many clients and agencies in the application of decision science to day-to-day brand and shopper marketing activities.


Full show notes:

LinkedIn: Phil Barden | Dom Hawes

Website: Decode Marketing

Sponsor: Selbey Anderson

Episode outline

  • The Decision Interface
  • Influencing Decision Making
  • Changing Behaviour without Changing Minds
  • Leveraging Goals and Motivations
  • Brand Goals and Propositions
  • Persil Brand Proposition
  • Understanding Human Behaviour
  • Implicit Goals in B2B Marketing
  • Customer Understanding and Goal-Driven Marketing

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