Decoding decisions: the hidden science behind why we buy with Phil Barden


30-04-2024 • 31 mins

Join Dom Hawes and Phil Barden in this episode of Unicorny as they dive into the power of decision science in B2B marketing.

  • Understand decision science's role in marketing
  • Explore how scientific principles can be applied to enhance marketing creativity and effectiveness
  • Discover how behavioural and decision sciences inform marketing strategies
  • Learn how renowned marketers have successfully applied scientific methods to real-world marketing challenges
  • Delve into case studies demonstrating the tangible benefits of integrating science into marketing efforts

This episode offers a deep dive into how decision science can fundamentally transform marketing approaches, providing listeners with both theoretical insights and practical applications.

About Phil Barden

Phil has over 25 years client-side brand management experience (Unilever, Diageo and T-Mobile). Whilst responsible for T-Mobile’s brand positioning and development around Europe he became a client of DECODE marketing consultancy and first encountered 'decision science’. DECODE’s work led to the Liverpool St flash mob ˈdanceˈ ad which increased T-Mobile sales by 49% and further work halved customer churn. This epiphanal moment led Phil to set up DECODE in the UK.

Author of ‘Decoded. The Science Behind Why We Buy’ and a Fellow of The Marketing Society, Phil works with many clients and agencies in the application of decision science to day-to-day brand and shopper marketing activities.


Full show notes:

LinkedIn: Phil Barden | Dom Hawes

Contact Phil Barden: Twitter | Email

Website: Decode Marketing

Sponsor: Selbey Anderson

Episode outline

  • Phil Barden's Story and Introduction to Decision Science
  • Marketing as Behaviour Change
  • The Role of Science in Marketing
  • Understanding Decision Making
  • Understanding System 1 and System 2
  • The Influence of Context in Marketing
  • The Neurologic Purchase Decision Equation
  • Leveraging Neuroscience in Marketing

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