Stretching Boundaries with the Mental Toughness Concept – Part Two
Doug Strycharczyk and Associate Professor John Perry have forged a remarkable and productive relationship over the last 10 years through which they have taken the understanding of the mental toughness concept to a new level.
This led to the development of the 8-factor version of the 4Cs mental toughness concept. In turn, this has become a powerful lens through which we can examine and understand many aspects of people and organisational development from a fresh perspective which is reliably based in peer-reviewed research.
The result is a concept that, in the hands of a competent practitioner can make a real difference for leaders and followers and all it entails including, building trust, promoting innovation and creating high-performing teams as components of a culture which also embraces resilience, positivity and optimism. Ultimately enabling all to be the best version of themselves that they can be.
It’s a fascinating discussion.