Episode 18- Preventing Exploitation: The Hard Truth with guests Loren Pilcher and James J. Wilkerson

Kindness Warrior Podcast

07-04-2021 • 1 hr 11 mins

Trauma Warning: in this episode we speak about sexual assault and abuse in the disability community.

We had guests James (Joey) Wilkerson and Loren Pilcher on with us to discuss abuse and sexual assault in the intellectual and developmental disability community and the importance of education and prevention.

James Wilkerson is Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator at Indiana University Southeast, he is also an author and sexual assault advocate. His organization Greek Law has educated hundreds of college students about consent and bystander intervention.  We also had Loren Pilcher, who is the COO of Sweet Behavior Services. Loren is a passionate disability activist and researcher and has spent almost two decades working in the disability community and advocating for the disability community.

Carly mentions in the episode that she hadn't been formally trained on the signs and symptoms of abuse. Since recording the episode, she along with the few team members that hadn't previously had this training at DSL have completed it. DSL strives to educate ourselves, our staff, and our members on this very important issue and are taking steps each day to be better.  We encourage our listeners to insist that all staff working with individuals with disabilities in every setting are trained on this topic.

We will continue this series and speak on the importance of consent and sex education for members of the intellectual disability community for the purpose of preventing exploitation and abuse.

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to take action, don't hesitate to reach out: KindnessWarriorPod@dsoflou.org


Sobsey, D., D. Wells, R. Lucardie, and S. Mansell. 1995. Violence and Disability: An Annotated Bibliography. Baltimore, MD. Brookes Publishing.   People with Disabilities Affected by Violence: Court Advocacy and Intervention Tips. I-CAN Accessibility Project, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work & Partnership for People with Disabilities, Jackie Robinson, 2012.    Risk and Prevention of Maltreatment of Children with Disabilities, http://www.childwelfare.gov Smith, N. and Harrell, S. March 2013. Sexual Abuse of Children with Disabilities: A National Snapshot. Center on Victimization and Safety, Vera Institute of Justice.   Harrell, Ericka. Crime Against Persons with Disabilities, 2009-2011 – Statistical Tables, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Harrell, Ericka.   Powers, Laurie E. and Oschwald, Mary. 2004. “Violence and Abuse Against People with Disabilities: Experiences, Barriers and Prevention Strategies.” Center on Self-Determination, Oregon Institute on Disability and Development, Oregon Health & Science University.   "Abuse of People with Disabilities: Victims and Their Families Speak Out"; A Report on the 2012 National Survey on Abuse of People with Disabilities; Spectrum Institute, The Disability and Abuse Project.