Tackling Challenges and Responsibilities of Civic Engagement through (or in) Higher Education


08-04-2022 • 36 mins

Today on GridgeFridge, we’re ecstatic to welcome John Zumbrunnen, the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning.

Zumbrunnen has been a faculty member of the UW-Madison Political Science Department for over a decade. Now, as the vice provost for teaching and learning, he provides leadership and support for UW–Madison’s teaching and learning mission across campus. Previously, Zumbrunnen served as faculty director of the Chadbourne Residential College and co-chaired the UW Teaching Academy. Zumbrunnen’s academic work examines the history of political thought, democratic theory and American political thought.

In this episode of GridgeFridge, we will talk with Zumbrunnen about his work in the political science department, the challenges and responsibilities of his role as the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, and how students can become civically engaged leaders on campus and beyond.