18: Finding Balance in the Midst of Constant Change with Engineering Leader, Ashley Hunsberger

Leaders Unscripted

01-08-2023 • 46 mins

The only certainty in business is uncertainty; the only constant is change.

As leaders, we’re tasked with the impossible in navigating that change and to bring our teams with us.

While in her role at Blackboard, Ashley Hunsberger held several Director roles throughout her 17 year tenure, and has found some fantastic ways to guide your team through the choppy waters of change.

Ashley joins me on Leaders Unscripted to share her ‘structures for reflection’, an ideal approach to feedback, and finding your balance as a leader.

This episode covers:

  • Developing consistent feedback loops
  • Finding your balance as a leader
  • Navigating constant change
  • The power of collective goal-setting
  • Time management & being protective of your space

Visit Suzan's website: https://www.constellaryhq.com/