Crushing the Cringe - how to Self-Promote whilst maintaining your integrity

FirstWoman Success Stories from Professional Women

18-04-2023 • 28 mins

What springs to mind when you think of "Self-Promotion"?

Arrogance? Braggy? Brazen Self-interest? Sleazy and all round a bit Cringe?

This is the reaction of many women because we have been taught from an early age that talking yourself up is impolite and as women we should be more self-effacing, servile and humble

This goes hand in hand with smiling more......

One of the many problems with this mindset is that it sets women back in terms of life and their careers. Because men have way less issue with bigging themselves up even when it's undeserving and where the optics matter, men who are visible and can articulate their success with conviction will bag the promotion. No surprise then that the Gender Pay Gap continues and we still see women under represented in leadership roles

Why women don't self-promote and the risks of doing so are well researched and documented. In this episode I've set these as context but also includes my tools and strategies for how to put yourself out there and be visible without feeling conscious and alienating those around you
