Behind every successful man stands an even more competent woman

FirstWoman Success Stories from Professional Women

08-03-2023 • 25 mins

Why are there so few many women leaders?

Progress over the past few years has been glacial and now we are losing senior female talent with women leaders exiting in droves

The answer is complex. Its an over-simplification to blame the patriarchy, there is also the perception of what makes a good leader, traditional hiring models and the socially engineered behaviour of women to consider.....all play a part

In this episode I draw on 3 resources

  • The Harvard Business Review Leadership trait hierarchy, first published in 2002
  • Harvey Coleman's theory of PIE Research which identified three contributors to career success, Performance, Image and Exposure...spoiler alert, Performance is only 10%
  • 'Why do so many incompetent men become leaders?' the seminal book by Dr Tomas Chamorro Premuzik

Combine these insights with the tendency for women to over-index on competency in pursuit of perfection and we start to see how it's not just culture that creates the barriers.

The question is of course how to overcome some of these and I am as ever mindful of 'don't fix women' but there are some shifts in behaviour and priority that women can make to ensure their claim to leadership is at least heard.

The downloads which accompany this podcast are available on the LinkedIn page of the same name Success Strategies for Professional Women

And you'll find more blogs, downloads and content suggesting the actions you can take to overcome the barriers to success as an ambitious female leader, at my website

#womenleaders #womenempowerment #genderequality #IWD2023