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Matthew Schatz
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1. I Saw You Tonight / You Can't Always Choose
Matthew Schatz, Erin Lamar, Maggie McDowell & Lauren Testerman
2. Let's Just Be Friends
Matthew Schatz
3. Just Get over It
Matthew Schatz & Lauren Testerman
4. It Never Works
Matthew Schatz, Erin Lamar, Lauren Testerman & Maggie McDowell
5. Love Quirks
Erin Lamar, Maggie McDowell, Matthew Schatz & Lauren Testerman
6. In Love
Matthew Schatz, Lauren Testerman, Erin Lamar & Maggie McDowell
7. Life of Luxury
Marc De La Cruz, Shiniya Daniels, Tyler McKenzie, Diane Phelan, Matthew Schatz & Seth Bisen-Hersh
8. The Diamond as Big as the Ritz
Matthew Schatz, Marc De La Cruz, Shiniya Daniels, Tyler McKenzie, Diane Phelan & Seth Bisen-Hersh
9. Enough Already
Tyler McKenzie, Marc De La Cruz, Shiniya Daniels, Diane Phelan, Matthew Schatz & Seth Bisen-Hersh
10. Cut a Deal
Matthew Schatz & Seth Bisen-Hersh