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George M! Ensemble
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1. Give My Regards to Broadway
Joel Grey & George M! Ensemble
2. Epilogue: Dancing Our Worries Away/The Great Easter Sunday Parade/Hannah's A Hummer/Barnum And Bailey Rag/The Belle Of The Barber's Ball/The American Ragtime/All In The Wearing/I Want To Hear A Yankee Doodle Tune/Give My Regards To Broadway
Joel Grey, VARIOUS ARTISTS & George M! Ensemble
3. Yankee Doodle Dandy / Nellie Kelly I Love You / Harrigan / Over There / You're a Grand Old Flag
Joel Grey & George M! Ensemble
4. Billie / Push Me Along in My Push Cart / Ring to the Name of Rose / Popularity
Bernadette Peters, The Company, Joel Grey & George M! Ensemble
5. Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway / So Long, Mary / Down by the Erie
George M! Ensemble, Joel Grey, Harvey Evans, Loni Ackerman & Jacqueline Alloway
6. Give My Regards to Broadway
Joel Grey & George M! Ensemble
7. Finale: Yankee Doodle Dandy
Joel Grey & George M! Ensemble
8. All Our Friends
Harvey Evans, Joel Grey & George M! Ensemble