SPECIAL: We Launched An Ummahpreneur Community!

Ummahpreneur Podcast

06-06-2023 • 25 mins

We're creating a community exclusively for Muslim entrepreneurs who want to build profitable and ethical businesses that align with Islamic values.

Our goal is simple: to make your entrepreneurial journey easier, faster, and more enjoyable by connecting you with like-minded Muslims who share your vision of holistic success.

Imagine how many Muslim entrepreneurs failed in their journey because they couldn’t find the the support that they needed, how many fell into haram business practices due to their lack of knowledge, and how many were distracted in their pursuit of wealth that they neglected their relationship with Allah SWT.

But what if there was a space where Muslims can connect, learn, grow, and have the necessary support to build successful businesses in a way that pleases Allah SWT?

A space where you can go from a lonely and confused entrepreneur, struggling to gain any traction and constantly hitting roadblocks, to having fun building your business with like-hearted Muslims who share the same aspirations for holistic success and can guide you down the right path.

Join the Ummahpreneur Community: community.ummahpreneur.com