Talk Travel Asia - Ep. 126: Expat Life - Living and Working in Asia

Talk Travel Asia

15-06-2021 • 1 hr 9 mins

Over the years, Scott and I have drawn comparisons between living in Asia and what it must be like living in Europe. Both are made of a number of relatively geographically smaller countries that share some similarities but are otherwise very different in terms of language, food, and cultural customs, to name a few. While we often make this comparison in regards to travel, as it's very easy, especially from Bangkok, which is geographically central to Southeast Asia, to travel to one of a half dozen different countries on a flight of no more than one hour, we’ve never discussed the differences between living in some of these countries. On this episode we’ll do just that, talk about expat life and how the experience differs between some of the countries we’ve personally lived.

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