Caesarea by the sea

Annalong Presbyterian Church Podcasts

29-02-2024 • 24 mins

Throughout the history of God's people place has been important. The gospel is grounded in history and as such it not only works in the lives of people, but uses places to bring about the circumstances for gospel growth. One such place is Caesarea Maritima. It is from this Roman port city that Pontius Pilate ruled Judea. It was to this city that Paul fled in safety before heading on to Tarsus. And it was in this city that the Roman ruler Diocletian persecuted the church and the library of Christian teaching it was building.

Place continues to matter to us. The gospel works in where we find ourselves today, as well as providing opportunity for gospel growth in the future. Learning from Caesarea Maritima demonstrates God's continued gospel initiative in brining people to himself through time and place.

The Life of the Church - Learning our Church History is a teaching series from Annalong Presbyterian Church. For videos and handouts visit

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