Leaders in Business

Institute of Directors Scotland

In each episode, we sit down with trailblazers who have made their mark and revolutionized their respective industries. From CEOs of global corporations to startup founders disrupting traditional business models, we uncover the secrets to their success. Gain exclusive access to their personal journeys and discover the challenges they faced along the way. Our guests generously share their wisdom, revealing the innovative tactics, leadership principles, and growth strategies that propelled them to the top. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business professional, or simply an avid learner, this podcast is your gateway to invaluable insights and inspiration. Dive deep into thought-provoking conversations that cover a wide range of topics. From building effective teams and fostering a culture of innovation to navigating industry disruptions and staying ahead of the curve, our guests tackle the most pressing issues facing today's businesses. The 'Leaders in Business' podcast goes beyond surface-level discussions. We explore the intricacies of decision-making, explore the psychology of leadership, and uncover the traits that set exceptional leaders apart. Discover how they've overcome obstacles, harnessed their creativity, and created lasting impact in their organizations. Each episode is expertly crafted to provide actionable takeaways that you can apply to your own professional journey. You'll gain practical tips and strategies to optimize your leadership skills, enhance your business acumen, and drive meaningful results. Whether you're looking to sharpen your marketing strategies, improve your negotiation skills, or cultivate a winning mindset, 'Leaders in Business' has got you covered. Tune in regularly to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and insights shaping the business landscape. Our host skillfully guides the conversations, drawing out the most valuable lessons from our esteemed guests. Expect engaging dialogues that captivate your attention and leave you inspired to take your own business endeavors to new heights. 🎙️🎙️🎙️ Your hosts, National Director for Scotland, Catherine McWilliam, and Fife & Tayside Committee Chair, Marlene Lowe, guide you through these enlightening discussions. 🎙️🎙️🎙️ If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on Twitter and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode. 🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock. 🕴️ This podcast is skillfully managed by The Emerald Agency. read less


Navigating Business and Entrepreneurship: Insights from Brian Williamson
Navigating Business and Entrepreneurship: Insights from Brian Williamson
Join us in this captivating episode of the Leaders in Business Podcast as we welcome Brian Williamson, a seasoned entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in business management and development. Hosted by Marlene Lowe, founder of the Emerald Agency and chair for the Fife and Tayside branch, this episode delves deep into the essence of entrepreneurship and business acumen.Brian takes us on a journey through his early entrepreneurial ventures, starting in his youth in Stirling, and evolves into a fascinating discussion about his career trajectory. From an aspiring PE teacher to an engineer sponsored through university, and eventually becoming a managing director at just 26, Brian's story is a testament to ambition and adaptability.The episode explores various themes, including the challenges of entrepreneurship, the role of progression in business, and the impact of personal experiences on professional life. Brian candidly shares pivotal moments in his career, offering invaluable insights into the complexities of business operations, risk management, and the importance of people-centric leadership.Brian's unique perspective on business as a passionate pursuit rather than a means to an end is both inspiring and enlightening. His reflections on personal growth, facing adversities, and the evolving nature of leadership are particularly resonant. This conversation is not just about business strategies; it's about the human experiences behind entrepreneurial success.Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned businessperson, or simply intrigued by the dynamics of business and leadership, this episode offers a wealth of knowledge, experience, and inspiration. Tune in for an engaging discussion that sheds light on the multifaceted world of business and entrepreneurship through the lens of one of Scotland's experienced business leaders.If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
Redefining Leadership and AI's Impact: A Conversation with Dr. Eve Poole
Redefining Leadership and AI's Impact: A Conversation with Dr. Eve Poole
In this enlightening episode of the Leaders in Business Podcast, we start 2024 with the inspiring Dr Eve Poole. Dr Poole, a distinguished figure with a rich background in leadership and consulting, shares her unique insights into the evolving landscape of leadership and the intriguing world of artificial intelligence (AI).Dr Poole takes us through her journey from St Andrews to leading roles at Ashridge Business School and beyond, highlighting her experience as the first female chair at Gordonstoun School and her critical contributions in various chairing roles. This episode delves into the differences in male and female leadership styles, especially under pressure, and how these distinctions play a crucial role in decision-making and crisis management.Furthermore, Dr Poole shares her thoughts on AI, its rapid development, and the ethical considerations surrounding this technology. She discusses the human-like traits AI lacks and the potential consequences of its unchecked progression. Dr Poole's latest book, "Robot Souls," offers a deep dive into these issues, advocating for a balanced and ethical approach to AI development.Throughout the conversation, Dr Poole emphasises the importance of diverse leadership and the value of women's contributions in high-pressure situations, drawing from her extensive research and personal experiences. This episode is not just a discussion; it's a call to action for more inclusive and thoughtful leadership in an age increasingly dominated by technology.Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that challenges conventional notions of leadership and explores the future of AI and its impact on our world.If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
Cleaning Up Success: A Director's Perspective with Rebecca Bell
Cleaning Up Success: A Director's Perspective with Rebecca Bell
In this episode, join Rebecca Bell, Operations Director for Spectrum Service Solutions, as she unfolds her remarkable journey from a summer cleaner to a dynamic director. Discover the challenges and triumphs that shaped her career, including a pivotal role in the 2012 London Olympics.Rebecca shares insights into the importance of family business and the influence of her mother, a trailblazer in the industry. Listen as she reflects on winning an IOD award and the impact it had on her career. Gain valuable perspectives on imposter syndrome, turning it into a superpower for continuous improvement and learning.Explore the world of facilities management with Rebecca, where she sheds light on the diverse opportunities and challenges in the industry. From intimate views of businesses at their messiest to the crucial role of cleaners in enabling productivity, Rebecca highlights the often overlooked aspects of the industry.The conversation deepens as Rebecca discusses the significance of industry recognition, particularly from the IOD, in building a supportive network for directors. Learn about the courses offered by the IOD and their role in shaping effective leaders. Rebecca emphasises the importance of pushing oneself out of the comfort zone and the positive impact of such recognitions on personal and professional growth.As Rebecca transitions to the role of managing director, she shares her vision for the future, aiming to make facilities management a more desirable career path. Discover her passion for maintaining service quality, fostering a positive workplace culture, and contributing to the industry's sustainability.Join us for an engaging and inspiring episode that uncovers the often underestimated world of facilities management and the incredible individuals, like Rebecca, who play a vital role in it.If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
Claudia Duffy, a Woman in STEAM: From Scientist to IP Entrepreneur
Claudia Duffy, a Woman in STEAM: From Scientist to IP Entrepreneur
In this episode of the "Leaders in Business" podcast, your host, Marlene Lowe, welcomes Dr. Claudia Duffy, a European patent attorney and IP entrepreneur with a remarkable journey from being a scientist to a leader in the world of intellectual property. Claudia, who is also a Women's Enterprise Scotland ambassador, shares her inspiring story of transitioning from her home country, Romania, to pursuing her scientific dreams in Germany, ultimately leading her to the vibrant world of patents and trademarks in the United Kingdom.Discover Claudia's unique perspective on her experiences as a woman in the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) community. She highlights the challenges and biases she faced along the way, including intrusive questions about starting a family during job interviews, and her dedication to breaking down stereotypes and fostering gender balance in the field.As an IP entrepreneur, Claudia sheds light on the world of patents, trademarks, and intellectual property, emphasising the importance of protecting innovation and creativity. She encourages listeners to educate themselves about intellectual property rights, including copyright, design rights, and patents, and how these rights can be vital for businesses, even on a budget. Claudia's journey from scientist to IP entrepreneur showcases her unwavering passion for innovation and the pivotal role she plays in safeguarding creative and technical advancements.Join Marlene and Claudia in this engaging conversation that explores the intersection of science, technology, entrepreneurship, and the pursuit of a more inclusive STEAM community. Whether you're a professional in the field or simply curious about the world of intellectual property, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration.If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
Exploring the Art and Science of Data Visualisation with Nadieh Bremer
Exploring the Art and Science of Data Visualisation with Nadieh Bremer
Join us in this captivating episode of the "Leaders in Business" podcast, hosted by Marlene Lowe, where we delve into the world of data visualisation. Marlene introduces her special guest, Nadieh Bremer, a data visualisation specialist with a remarkable journey into the field.Marlene kicks off the discussion by highlighting the power of content sharing and how it led her to discover Nadieh's work on Pinterest, which ultimately led to this insightful conversation. Nadieh's journey from a background in astronomy to becoming a data scientist and, eventually, a data visualisation designer is both fascinating and inspiring.Nadieh explains the pivotal moment at a conference when she first encountered the term "data visualisation specialist," and how it instantly resonated with her passion for making data come alive through visual storytelling. She shares her transition from pure data analysis to honing her data visualisation skills, culminating in her freelance career as a specialist in the field.The conversation takes an intriguing turn as Nadieh unveils the story behind her business, Visual Cinnamon. The name's origin, stemming from her unique name and her desire to create a memorable online presence, provides a glimpse into the creativity that defines her work.Listeners are introduced to the essence of data visualisation, with Nadieh defining it as the art of translating data, whether numerical or categorical, into visual elements that are accessible and informative for human understanding. She emphasizes the role of data visualisation in making data both insightful and visually engaging.As the episode progresses, Nadieh shares a diverse range of projects she's worked on, from visualising cultural heritage for UNESCO to creating data-driven art for Google, the New York Times, and even Sony Music. Her projects illustrate the transformative power of data visualisation in conveying complex information with beauty and impact.Marlene and Nadieh discuss the significance of data visualisation for directors of businesses in the UK, highlighting how it can aid in making informed decisions and presenting data-driven insights effectively. They explore the spectrum of data visualisation, spanning from data-centric visuals like bar charts and line graphs to more creative, emotionally evocative data art.Nadieh provides valuable insights into when and why businesses should consider incorporating data visualisation into their operations, stressing the importance of having dedicated data visualisation specialists for specialised projects. She also highlights the role of external specialists for impactful marketing campaigns and data-driven storytelling.Tune in to this episode to gain a deep understanding of the art and science of data visualisation and discover how it can elevate your business's data-driven decision-making and communication.If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
Charting the Director's Journey: From Start to Success with Sarah Downs
Charting the Director's Journey: From Start to Success with Sarah Downs
Welcome back to the Leaders in Business podcast, where we're embarking on a journey into the world of directorship. In this episode, we're joined by Sarah Downs, Co-Founding Director of Doqaru in Aberdeen and Chair of the Aberdeen and Grampian branch of the IOD in Scotland. Sarah has completed the Certificate in Company Direction and is set to conquer the Diploma.This conversation is all about the beginning of the directorship journey. Sarah shares her motivations for pursuing the certificate, which was driven by her commitment to professional development and a desire to bridge the gap between management and directorship.Discover the crucial distinctions between courses designed for managers and those tailored for directors. While managers focus on day-to-day operations, directors take a strategic, bird's-eye view of the organization. Sarah delves into the significance of understanding leadership styles, strategic thinking, and financial management from a director's perspective.Sarah's journey is not just about personal growth; it's about becoming a valuable asset to any board. Learn about the exciting opportunities that opened up for her after completing the certificate and how the SCQF-accredited course can set you apart in the world of directorship.Whether you're considering embarking on the directorship journey or simply curious about the path to becoming a charter director, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration. Join us as we explore the fascinating world of professional development and leadership evolution.About the Podcast:"Leaders in Business" is your gateway to intimate conversations with industry trailblazers. Join us to unlock exclusive insights into their success stories, leadership philosophies, and growth strategies. Discover actionable takeaways to elevate your skills, sharpen your business instincts, and drive tangible results.If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
From Researcher to Director: A Journey of Learning and Leadership with Lucy Harrier
From Researcher to Director: A Journey of Learning and Leadership with Lucy Harrier
Join us on an inspiring journey with Lucy Harrier, who transitioned from a career in scientific research to becoming a director at Prepress Projects. With two decades of experience under her belt, Lucy shares her incredible story of growth, learning, and leadership evolution.In this episode, you'll hear how Lucy's decision to shift from academia to the corporate world led her to an entry-level position in publishing. She takes us through her progression from being a manager to becoming a director, highlighting the value of understanding every level of an organization.Lucy's passion for continuous learning shines through as she discusses the importance of adapting to new roles and acquiring the skills necessary to excel as a director. Her journey of personal development includes pursuing an MSc in publishing, a testament to her dedication to mastering her field.Discover how Lucy played a pivotal role in reorganizing Prepress Projects, enabling a smooth transition from a family-owned business to an employee-owned trust company. She emphasizes the significance of structured succession planning and the creation of talent pathways within the organization.Throughout this engaging conversation, Lucy's enthusiasm for learning and leadership becomes evident. Her journey from scientific research to corporate leadership is a testament to the power of determination, adaptability, and a commitment to personal and professional growth.Tune in to gain insights into Lucy's remarkable journey and to discover how her experiences can inspire your own path to success. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned manager, or simply passionate about continuous learning, this episode offers valuable lessons and inspiration for all.About the Podcast:"Leaders in Business" is your gateway to intimate conversations with industry trailblazers. Join us to unlock exclusive insights into their success stories, leadership philosophies, and growth strategies. Discover actionable takeaways to elevate your skills, sharpen your business instincts, and drive tangible results.If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
Unlocking Leadership Insights with Sir David Watt
Unlocking Leadership Insights with Sir David Watt
In this episode of "Leaders in Business" by the Institute of Directors Scotland, we embark on a fascinating journey with a distinguished guest, Sir David Watt. Join us as we delve deep into the worlds of entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, leadership development, and the art of building trust within boards.David Watt, formerly the Executive Director of the Institute of Directors (IoD) in Scotland, brings a wealth of experience from the realms of business, commerce, and governance. But his journey extends beyond corporate corridors; it's deeply rooted in the pursuit of lifelong learning. With a background in education, David serves as a director in several SMEs and proudly holds the title of Honorary Colonel of the Royal Marines Reserves in Scotland.About the Podcast:"Leaders in Business" is your gateway to intimate conversations with industry trailblazers. Join us to unlock exclusive insights into their success stories, leadership philosophies, and growth strategies. Discover actionable takeaways to elevate your skills, sharpen your business instincts, and drive tangible results.🎙️🎙️🎙️Your hosts, National Director for Scotland, Catherine McWilliam, and Fife & Tayside Committee Chair, Marlene Lowe, guide you through these enlightening discussions.🎙️🎙️🎙️If you aspire to be a part of the IoD, visit www.iod.com for more information. Engage with us on X and connect on LinkedIn to share your thoughts on today's episode.🎵 Music: 'Downtown Delight' and 'Cinematic Emotion' by Joystock.🕴️ This podcast is managed by The Emerald Agency.
Meet Inspiring Young Leader Joel Meekison from Clark Communications
Meet Inspiring Young Leader Joel Meekison from Clark Communications
Welcome to Leaders in Business with the Institute of Directors ScotlandJoin 'Leaders in Business' for insightful conversations with top industry trailblazers. Gain exclusive access to their success secrets, leadership principles, and growth strategies. Discover actionable takeaways to optimize your skills, enhance your business acumen, and drive meaningful results. 🎙️🎙️🎙️This podcast is hosted by National Director for Scotland, Catherine McWilliam, and Fife & Tayside committee Chair, Marlene Lowe.As an advocate and public relations adviser, Joel has worked with Directors, CEO’s, Cabinet Secretaries, and sector leaders. His work first originated in human rights, as a leading advocate for better youth engagement by government and organisations and increased children’s rights in Scotland. This experience led him to advise on a range of youth engagement projects and campaigns nationally and internationally, including hosting a policy roundtable at Scotland House, Brussels and authoring for the International Journal of Human Rights, before later working at UNICEF in 2021 to coordinate their high-profile World Children’s Day in Scotland. Today he lives in Glasgow and works he is in public relations, consulting for a range of public sector, public sector and professional bodies. He currently serves as vice-chair on the board of the Scottish Child Law Centre, Chair of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Scotland’s Future Leaders Forum and as a senior account executive at public relations agency, Clark. Fast Facts: Author in the International Journal of Human Rights in 2022 Appointed to the Board of trustees for the Scottish Child Law Centre in 2019 (aged 19)Has a seat on many advisory panels and working groups including for the Scottish Government’s 2018 Year of Young People. He has been a B2B and public sector public relations consultant at Clark for the past two years. 🎙️🎙️🎙️If you are interesting in joining the IoD please visit www.iod.com.Also take the opportunity to listen to our other IoD podcasts: Directors' Briefing and Policy Voice. Join the conversation and share your thoughts on todays episode by engaging with us on Twitter or joining and following us on LinkedIn.🎵 Music ‘Downtown Delight ‘ by Joystock.🕴️This podcast is managed by
Introducing a new, inspired and evolving IoD Scotland with Catherine McWilliam
Introducing a new, inspired and evolving IoD Scotland with Catherine McWilliam
Welcome to Leaders in Business with the Institute of Directors ScotlandJoin 'Leaders in Business' for insightful conversations with top industry trailblazers. Gain exclusive access to their success secrets, leadership principles, and growth strategies. Discover actionable takeaways to optimize your skills, enhance your business acumen, and drive meaningful results. 🎙️🎙️🎙️This podcast is hosted by National Director for Scotland, Catherine McWilliam, and Fife & Tayside committee Chair, Marlene Lowe.In each episode, we sit down with trailblazers who have made their mark and revolutionized their respective industries. From CEOs of global corporations to startup founders disrupting traditional business models, we uncover the secrets to their success.Gain exclusive access to their personal journeys and discover the challenges they faced along the way. Our guests generously share their wisdom, revealing the innovative tactics, leadership principles, and growth strategies that propelled them to the top. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business professional, or simply an avid learner, this podcast is your gateway to invaluable insights and inspiration.Dive deep into thought-provoking conversations that cover a wide range of topics. From building effective teams and fostering a culture of innovation to navigating industry disruptions and staying ahead of the curve, our guests tackle the most pressing issues facing today's businesses.The 'Leaders in Business' podcast goes beyond surface-level discussions. We explore the intricacies of decision-making, explore the psychology of leadership, and uncover the traits that set exceptional leaders apart. Discover how they've overcome obstacles, harnessed their creativity, and created lasting impact in their organizations.Each episode is expertly crafted to provide actionable takeaways that you can apply to your own professional journey. You'll gain practical tips and strategies to optimize your leadership skills, enhance your business acumen, and drive meaningful results. Whether you're looking to sharpen your marketing strategies, improve your negotiation skills, or cultivate a winning mindset, 'Leaders in Business' has got you covered.Tune in regularly to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and insights shaping the business landscape. Our host skillfully guides the conversations, drawing out the most valuable lessons from our esteemed guests. Expect engaging dialogues that captivate your attention and leave you inspired to take your own business endeavors to new heights.🎙️🎙️🎙️If you are interesting in joining the IoD please visit www.iod.com.Also take the opportunity to listen to our other IoD podcasts: Directors' Briefing and Policy Voice. Join the conversation and share your thoughts on todays episode by engaging with us on Twitter or joining and following us on