Back with a fresh take on parenting, education and life with kids

Tara's Take - Parenting, Education & Life With Kids

21-05-2023 • 6 mins

It's time to get back into having some important conversations about parenting, education and life with kids!

If you are just joining me, this podcast used to be called Raising Resilient Children with Tara Gratto and I took some off to reflect on my goals moving forward and how I want to shape the vision of this podcast and the topics covered here. It's increasingly important to me that this is a space where diverse types of parents and caring adults can feel welcome and supported.

I haven't completely abandoned the RRC brand, I've just reset my vision. Raising Resilient Children is still the name of my Membership Community where my signature parenting program Building Resilience Through Kindness can be found. You can find more about that on my website HERE


Get your quick and actionable tips, blog/podcast updates and curated children's book recommendations by joining Tara's Take the Newsletter HERE

You can also submit questions directly to me at or by heading to our website HERE

The music for this podcast is written and produced by Jazlyn B with the guidance of Sabine Ndalamba

Note: This podcast is created for educational purposes only. Any references links, resources or content are not intended as a substitute for medical or professional mental health advice.