Empowering Children to Embrace and Learn from Boredom

Tara's Take - Parenting, Education & Life With Kids

02-07-2023 • 15 mins

Struggle with your child's constant complaints of boredom or felt the pressure to constantly entertain them? Feeling guilty about screen time and want to strike a better balance?

In today's episode, I discuss how to approach boredom with intention and provide suggestions to help your children learn to manage this feeling on their own.

I also tackle the challenge of helping children navigate boredom in our fast-paced, on-demand world and share insights on reframing boredom as independent play, creative thinking, or other forms of self-guided exploration. By doing so, you can take a step back and give your child the space they need to handle their own feelings of frustration, without constantly intervening.


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The music for this podcast is written and produced by Jazlyn B with the guidance of Sabine Ndalamba

Note: This podcast is created for educational purposes only. Any references links, resources or content are not intended as a substitute for medical or professional mental health advice.