Connecting with Children: Unlocking the Power of 'In-Between' Moments in Parenting

Tara's Take - Parenting, Education & Life With Kids

26-09-2023 • 12 mins

Connecting with your child can feel like a daunting task and it can be tempting to engage in lengthy 'sit-down' conversations with them. The ticket to connection is those 'in-between' moments, such as walks or car rides. These are the situations that can make a world of difference in your parenting journey.

To support this, I chat about where  eye contact and physical touch play a part in fostering a relationship of listening, as well as the art of positive, meaningful interactions without 'buts' or 'ands'.

As an added bonus I chat about how books aren't just for bedtime.  Incorporating books into other parts of your day can facilitate open conversations with your children, helping them express their worries and thoughts. I reveal my strategies to balance the use of books for creating a dialogue with your children and ways to foster genuine relationships that don't rely on costly activities or outings.

Let's confront some  uncomfortable truths about parenting, from the importance of when and how we communicate with our kids, to the critical role of positive reinforcement. In this episode we'll tackle some tricky conversations while unravelling the complexities of parenting together.


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The music for this podcast is written and produced by Jazlyn B with the guidance of Sabine Ndalamba

Note: This podcast is created for educational purposes only. Any references links, resources or content are not intended as a substitute for medical or professional mental health advice.