The Power of Picture Books in Parenting: Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children

Tara's Take - Parenting, Education & Life With Kids

11-09-2023 • 13 mins

To transform your parenting approach and boost your child's emotional intelligence, picture books are your secret weapon.

As parents, it's easy to overestimate our emotional vocabulary, as well as your child's. This can pose challenges when you aspire to parent differently from how you were raised. Conversations alone fall short in teaching your children about their feelings, but picture books can change the game. Using them as a tool in calm and connection can help children learn to identify their feelings and develop strategies to handle them.

In this episode, we highlight the power of picture books in shaping a feelings vocabulary - transforming the learning process into a relatable, enjoyable experience. We'll discuss a few of my favourite books to support you in teaching your child about their feelings outside of tense situations. Tune in and discover how picture books can be instrumental in nurturing your child's emotional development and well-being.


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The music for this podcast is written and produced by Jazlyn B with the guidance of Sabine Ndalamba

Note: This podcast is created for educational purposes only. Any references links, resources or content are not intended as a substitute for medical or professional mental health advice.