Dark Tome is an eerie, fictional podcast. Listeners may laud the voice acting, music direction, and storytelling.
The podcast's story begins with a teenage girl named Cassie. Pulling another girl's hair at school garnered her a suspension. She reads to a sick older man named Mr. Gussy at a local hospital as penance. Mr. Gussy doesn't seem interested in Edgar Allan Poe or anything else Cassie reads to him. He asks for a different book, the Dark Tome. Mr. Gussy owned the strange, abandoned local bookshop. Cassie goes to the bookshop to escape her unstable home situation. When she goes down to the shop's basement, she can read in peace. When she opens the Dark Tome, the words glow on the page as she reads. Cassie closes the book. She puts it away out of fear. Then, one day, she is ready.
The Dark Tome brings Cassie to the worlds of the stories it contains. In each podcast episode, she finds herself in a different book. These are real books by authors such as Morgan Sylvia, Marguerite Croft, and Nova Ren Suma. Cassie doesn't choose these stories. She learns about them with the listeners by observing her surroundings and talking to the characters. In one episode, Cassie visits Natural Skin, a dystopian story by Alyssa Wong. The protagonist, Liin Jie, understands Cassie to be a ghost. No one else seems able to hear Cassie, but she can read Liin Jie's thoughts.
Another podcast episode brings Cassie into Roshani Chokshi's The Vishakanya's Choice. She learns a valuable lesson about self-determination from the main character, an assassin. At the end of each episode, Cassie returns to her world. Her story progresses as the Dark Tome changes her and her surroundings.
Fans of literature and fantasy may enjoy the Dark Tome podcast. All episodes are between 30 minutes and an hour in length.
Season 4
Season 3
Season 2