How does US agriculture affect climate change?

The Land & Climate Podcast

03-05-2024 • 29 mins

Alasdair speaks to environmental attorney Peter Lehner about US agriculture's contribution to global emissions.

Peter Lehner is the managing attorney of Earthjustice's Sustainable Food and Farming Programme and former executive director of the National Resources Defence Council.

Alasdair and Peter discuss the future of the US farm bill, the adverse climate effects of crop insurance and the influence agrochemical lobbies have on agriculture across America.

Audio engineering by Vasko Kostovski.

Further reading:

Peter’s recent articles for the American College of Environmental Lawyers:

Peter’s book:

  • Farming for Our Future: The Science, Law, and Policy of Climate-Neutral Agriculture

Click here to read our investigation into the UK biomass supply chain, or watch a clip from the BBC Newsnight documentary.

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