George H.W. Bush 1991 The Soviet Coup

Randal Wallace

Randal Wallace Presents : "George H. W. Bush" a four season look back at his extraordinary life, career, and his single term as President of the United States. A term that saw the high point of American Leadership around the world as he steered the world through the fall of the Communist superpower, the former Soviet Union. It also saw the United States lead a worldwide coalition against aggression by the Middle Eastern Dictator Saddam Hussein, and setting the example on how to fight such a war with textbook accuracy, overwhelming force, with a clear set of objectives, and leaving after those objectives were met. A lesson sadly we did not seem to learn in subsequent foreign entanglements. Then we will watch the changing of the guard as the Vietnam Generation leads a campaign in 1992 to transfer power from the generation of leadership that won the Cold War.

In this our 12th and 13 Seasons, we will look back at the Bush Administration and the historic sweep of freedom that changed the world from 1990 through Christmas 1991. It was a historic time. We saw the Gulf War begin as Bush led a multinational coalition to beat back the Iraqi Dictator, Saddam Hussein, after he invaded Kuwait. In August of 1991, hard liners in Moscow would attempt a coup to bring down Mikhail Gorbachev and his many reforms that were changing the Soviet Union. The coup would fail but it would help launch the career of the Moscow Mayor, Boris Yeltsin. That would, by Christmas Day, 1991, lead to what had been unthinkable for the past 70 years, the end of the Soviet Union. We would also see President Bush lead the way to reunify Germany, and a fight for the future of the United States Supreme Court would erupt after the nomination of Clarence Thomas was made to replace Thurgood Marshall. It all happened without  firing a shot, which is an enormous success story for the ages.

We invite you to come along with us on a wild ride through the high points and low moments of modern American History, in an effort to show the citizens of today that we are an amazing and resilient nation.

Our Podcasts are separated by individual Documentary style titles. --
Season 1 : Bridging the Political Gap episodes 1 -11 --- Season 2 : Lessons in Leadership : --- The GIANTS of the Senate and Joe Biden episodes 14 - 16 ---- World War 2 Episodes 17 - 20 --- General MacArthur You're Fired Episodes 21 - 23 ---- A Celebration of the life of George Shultz episodes 26 - 28 ---- November 1963 : The end of the Age of Innocence episode 29 ---   Season 3 ----The Johnson Treatment episodes 32 - 39 ---- Upheaval 1968 episodes 40 - 50 ---- Season 4: Richard Nixon 1968 -1971 The Man Who Saved the Union episodes 51 -67 ----- Season 5 Richard Nixon 1972 The Foundation of Peace episodes 71 - 96 -----1973 Ten Days in January 97 - 100 -- Season 6 Richard Nixon 1973 : Enemies at the Gate 101 - 125 ---- Season 7 Richard Nixon 1974 Through the Fire 126 - 147 ---- Season 8 Richard Nixon 1974 - 1994 The Fall and the Re-Rise of Richard Nixon. 148 - 174 plus bonus materials --- Season 9 Gerald Ford Beyond Watergate 175 -190 -- Season 10 John Jenrette. & Jimmy Carter too  191 -  224 -- Season 11 George H.W. Bush : The Leadership Lessons 225 -  250 --- Season 12: Mayor Hirsch  253 - 259,  George H.W. Bush : The Sweep of History 260 - 285, Season 13 George H.W. Bush The Gulf War, The Coup, Clarence Thomas & the Cold War's End 286 -

(FAIR USE NOTICE : This presentation contains copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The use of this footage is for educational and historical commentary. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material.)

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Our Editor's Take

Gerald Ford: The Accidental President is a political podcast. It tells the story of the 37th president of the United States. Ford was the sole US president to not get elected to the office as president or vice president. This podcast talks not just about him, but about Richard Nixon, his predecessor. How did Ford become president without running for the office? This show explains. Randal Wallace hosts the podcast.

In November 1972, Nixon and Spiro Agnew, his vice president, celebrated a landslide re-election. Within 11 months, Agnew would resign from office. A federal investigation revealed the veep's political corruption and tax evasion issues. He was the first-ever vice president to have to resign. Nixon picked Ford, Minority Leader of the US House of Representatives, to replace Agnew. Nine months after that, Nixon would also have to resign, due to the Watergate scandal. Gerald Ford: The Accidental President goes through these complicated machinations. Wallace explains them in an engaging way, so today's listeners can understand the story.

Host Wallace is a real estate agent and amateur historian. This podcast's voice has a great knowledge of political history. Gerald Ford: The Accidental President explains these political scandals. Listeners will become the grand jury, reviewing all the evidence, episode by episode. The podcast discusses every detail. The series explains the wiretapping in the Oval Office. It also shows how Ford became president.

Gerald Ford: The Accidental President also talks about Ford's term. Inflation was high and the US was getting out of Vietnam. Ford tried to heal the nation during this troubled time. He pardoned Nixon to calm things down. But this action was controversial. It is one of the reasons Jimmy Carter defeated Ford when he ran for the presidency in 1976. Fans of history and politics may enjoy this podcast.

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Episode 300 GEORGE H. W. BUSH 1991 The Start 1 Treaty
3d ago
Episode 300 GEORGE H. W. BUSH 1991 The Start 1 Treaty
Send us a textIn this episode we look back at several important situations developing all at once. The Soviet Union is in trouble. Economically the situation is getting dire as Gorbachev comes to the economic summit to ask for help. As the G-7 includes the Soviets for the very first time. This is just after a fairly small, and not so celebratory May Day in the Soviet Union. It used to be the event every year where the Soviets displayed their military muscle and its high brass stood up over seeing it all from the balcony. Missiles and troops would march by under portraits of Lenin, and whomever the Communist Party Leader was at the time, be it Khrushchev or Brezhnev. But this time it was sparsely attended under heavy security, and it had none of the trappings of old. If that was not bad enough for the Communist superpower, its largest Republic, the Russian Federation, was in the midst of holding its very first election for President, in what would be its first completely free election with real choices for leadership. the front runner was not the Kremlin's choice, it was a renegade natural politician who had already bolted the Communist Party and was busy trying to get control of various power sources from the Soviet leadership and put it under Russian control His name was Boris Yeltsin and he was on the verge of being catapulted onto the World Stage. Finally the START 1 Treaty was being negotiated and it would be a further thawing of the Cold War but one that had the hardline Communists worried that their control was rapidly fading away. The Treaty was defined here by a use of Artificial Intelligence (our first use of that) here:  START I, or the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty I, was an agreement between the United States and the Soviet Union to reduce the number of long-range nuclear weapons. The treaty was signed in Moscow on July 31, 1991 by George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev. The treaty's main limits included: 1,600 strategic nuclear delivery vehicles, 6,000 accountable warheads, 4,900 ballistic missile warheads, 1,540 warheads on 154 heavy ICBMs, and 1,100 warheads on mobile ICBMs. The treaty also required the parties to:Exchange data on the number and location of their strategic delivery vehiclesAllow each other to conduct inspectionsBan the encryption and exchange of telemetric data that tracked ballistic missiles during test launches The START I treaty was part of the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), which began in 1982 and lasted for three decades. The START II treaty was agreed upon in 1993, but never came into force.  Questions or comments at , , , and Leave us a review at wherever you get your podcastsThanks for listening!!
What IF Nixon had been able to serve the remainder of his term as President (with Special Guest Star Robert M. Bostock) A SPECIAL EDITION courtesy of The Richard Nixon Experience
What IF Nixon had been able to serve the remainder of his term as President (with Special Guest Star Robert M. Bostock) A SPECIAL EDITION courtesy of The Richard Nixon Experience
Send us a textIn this special edition of The Richard Nixon Experience, we let you tune back in to that final day at the White House for President Nixon. You will hear excerpts from his resignation speech, his speech to his staff and reminiscences from several different people about those events including President Nixon and President Ford. All of this leading up to an extraordinary 3 minutes of footage just released by the Richard Nixon foundation that includes President nixon's brief impromptu remarks at the El Torro Marine Base when he arrived back home in California. Until this year that footage had not been released. So, other than the network news casts we had not been able to hear any of the audio from that extraordinary moment when a President, leaving office in disgrace, was greeted like a hero by the people he had led. Not at all the story you have been told. Then we have invited a guest to speak on this episode. Robert M. Bostock, was an aid to President Nixon in retirement and he has been a great friend to podcast. He recently wrote an op-ed for the Washington Times and in it he asked a question that I hope many of you will ask. What if President Nixon had been allowed to finish his second term? It is a question worth listening to the answer too and we asked Mr. Bostock to read his op-ed for our show and we will let you listen to it at the end of this broadcast. I agree with Mr. Bostock, the world would have been a much different and much better place had Richard Nixon completed his term of office.  Questions or comments at , , , and Leave us a review at wherever you get your podcastsThanks for listening!!
IN MEMORIAM :  James Wiles, Legal Advisor to our show, CBS News Correspondent Phil Jones, and Legendary T.V. Talk Show Host Phil Donahue (and his amazing love affair with Marlo Thomas)
IN MEMORIAM : James Wiles, Legal Advisor to our show, CBS News Correspondent Phil Jones, and Legendary T.V. Talk Show Host Phil Donahue (and his amazing love affair with Marlo Thomas)
Send us a textIn this special edition of our podcast we look back in Memoriam to three people who passed away in August of 2024. They are our podcasts legal advisor, James Wiles, a retired lawyer who lived here in Myrtle Beach and was active in Republican Party Politics, working on several campaigns for Horry County Council, Myrtle Beach City Council, and Myrtle Beach Mayor, he also helped in a couple of congressional Races and he worked on the Presidential Campaign of Rick Santorum. He later became an advisor to this podcast, starting around our 30th episode and really gave us solid advice as we dealt with the series on Former President Richard Nixon. He was a good friend and will be missed. When we were running our series on Richard Nixon we often heard the voice of CBS Newsman Phil Jones, he covered the Watergate story and then seven more Presidents from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush before retiring in the early 2000s He passed away in late August at the age of 87. Finally, we look back at television talk show pioneer, Phil Donahue. He made our show for two very personal stories to us at this podcast. He had Rita Jenrette on his show and it was then , in prime time that our Congressman called in and made national news. It was an episode everyone in Myrtle Beach in that era always remembered. Then there is a love story like no other. When Phil Donahue met Marlo Thomas on his television show and it was love at first sight and on live television. Everyone watching could see the chemistry on full display. We should all be so lucky. They were married for 44 years and there was just as much chemistry between them in their last appearance on TV as there was in their first. It is one of our hosts favorite stories to retell. So, we let him tell it here on this episode again. Rest in Peace, James Wiles, Phil Jones, and Phil Donahue  Questions or comments at , , , and Leave us a review at wherever you get your podcastsThanks for listening!!