I/ITSEC Special: Death of the Military Metaverse?

Warfighter Podcast

23-11-2023 • 57 mins

In the run up to I/ITSEC 2023 we are very grateful for Hadean agreeing to sponsor a special episode in two parts.

Firstly, we are very pleased to introduce Royal O’Brien, Global CTO for Hadean. Royal has a considerable track record with the likes of Amazon, The Linux Foundation and a host of games related companies, including foundational work on the O3DE platform and Open Metaverse Foundation.

Not dodging the hard questions, this interview gave us the chance to ask a burning question - Is the Military Metaverse dead? You might think we’d regret asking this of Royal, but he then took us on a whirlwind tour of all the novel technologies and challenges facing military simulation and training. Including subjects as diverse as managing huge datasets, leveraging generative AI, true interoperability beyond the current standards, and integrating the human in the loop.

This discussion reminds us of the huge challenges the military users and industry have to harness these recent developments, which only seem to be accelerating.

We are also joined by Andy Fawkes and Marty Kauchek from Military Simulation & Training magazine, who provide a look ahead to I/ITSEC and point out the things to watch out for if you’re heading out that way.




Episode Sponsor: Hadean

Hadean is a UK-based spatial computing company that is modernising the military simulation ecosystem with a new way to understand the operating environment for training, strategy and readiness. Their technology provides the AI-powered spatial compute infrastructure that integrates allies, domains, systems, and technologies to deliver a common operating picture, bridging physical and virtual worlds.

Trusted by the British Army and wider UK Ministry of Defence, the Hadean Platform draws on distributed data and leverages novel AI and Large Language Model (LLM) integrations to synthesise coherent, singular, large-scale and complex simulations that are capable of managing millions of entities and dynamically replicating real-world scenarios.

They enable out-of-the-box simulation and orchestration capabilities that are easy to develop, deploy and integrate with any system; from legacy simulators through to bleeding-edge AI and LLM solutions. The platform is primed with a core distributed pattern of life simulation

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